Rewrite weapon HUD, robustify reload func, FMs WIP

This commit is contained in:
Fesiug 2023-11-13 22:54:52 -05:00
parent 8f6a2976d2
commit 4bb169b5a3
4 changed files with 91 additions and 226 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,24 @@ function SWEP:DSetWep( hand, value )
return hand and self:SetWep2( value ) or self:SetWep1( value )
-- Weapon Firemode
function SWEP:DGetFiremode( hand )
return hand and self:GetWep2_Firemode() or self:GetWep1_Firemode()
function SWEP:DSetFiremode( hand, value )
return hand and self:SetWep2_Firemode( value ) or self:SetWep1_Firemode( value )
-- Internal SWEP Delay
function SWEP:DGetDelay( hand )
return hand and self:Clip2() or self:Clip1()
function SWEP:DSetDelay( hand, value )
return hand and self:SetDelay2( value ) or self:SetDelay1( value )
-- Internal SWEP Clip
function SWEP:DGetClip( hand )
return hand and self:Clip2() or self:Clip1()

View File

@ -37,8 +37,13 @@ function SWEP:SetupDataTables()
self:NetworkVar( "Int", 1, "Wep2Clip" )
self:NetworkVar( "Int", 2, "Wep1Burst" )
self:NetworkVar( "Int", 3, "Wep2Burst" )
self:NetworkVar( "Int", 4, "Wep1_Firemode" )
self:NetworkVar( "Int", 5, "Wep2_Firemode" )
self:NetworkVar( "Bool", 0, "UserAim" )
self:NetworkVar( "Bool", 1, "GrenadeDown" )
self:SetWep1_Firemode( 1 )
self:SetWep2_Firemode( 1 )
function SWEP:PrimaryAttack()
@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ function SWEP:B_Ammo( alt, value )
function SWEP:B_Firemode( alt )
return self:BClass( alt ).Firemodes[1]
return self:BClass( alt ).Firemodes[ self:DGetFiremode( alt ) ]
function SWEP:B_FiremodeName( alt )
@ -116,32 +121,35 @@ function SWEP:SecondaryAttack()
function SWEP:Reload()
if self:BTable( false ) and self:GetOwner():KeyPressed( IN_RELOAD ) then
if self:BClass().Reload then
if self:BClass( false ).Reload( self, self:BTable( false ) ) then return end
if self:GetDelay1() > CurTime() then
return false
if self:GetWep1Clip() != 0 then
B_Sound( self, self:BClass().Sound_MagOut )
self:SetClip1( 0 )
self:SetWep1Clip( 0 )
self:BTable().Loaded = 0
local maglist = { self:BTable( false ).Ammo1, self:BTable( false ).Ammo2, self:BTable( false ).Ammo3 }
for i, v in SortedPairsByValue( maglist, true ) do
if v == 0 then B_Sound( self, "Common.NoAmmo" ) return end
self:BTable().Loaded = i
self:SetWep1Clip( i )
self:SetClip1( v )
if self:GetOwner():KeyPressed( IN_RELOAD ) then for i=1, 2 do
local hand = i==2
if self:BTable( hand ) then
if self:BClass( hand ).Reload then
if self:BClass( hand ).Reload( self, self:BTable( hand ) ) then return end
B_Sound( self, self:BClass().Sound_MagIn )
if self:DGetDelay( hand ) > CurTime() then
return false
if self:DGetClip( hand ) != 0 then
B_Sound( self, self:BClass( hand ).Sound_MagOut )
self:DSetClip( hand, 0 )
self:DSetWepClip( hand, 0 )
self:BTable( hand ).Loaded = 0
local maglist = { self:BTable( hand ).Ammo1, self:BTable( hand ).Ammo2, self:BTable( hand ).Ammo3 }
for i, v in SortedPairsByValue( maglist, true ) do
if v == 0 then B_Sound( self, "Common.NoAmmo" ) return end
self:BTable( hand ).Loaded = i
self:DSetClip( hand, v )
self:DSetWepClip( hand, i )
B_Sound( self, self:BClass( hand ).Sound_MagIn )
end end
return true

View File

@ -293,217 +293,55 @@ hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Benny_HUDPaint", function()
local wep2 = wep:BTable( true )
local wep2c = wep:BClass( true )
local w, h = 156, 100
local BOXHEIGHT = 84--44
if wep1 then
-- BG
if wep1 then -- New Weapon HUD
local p_w, p_h = ss(156), ss(64)
local p_x, p_y = sw - b - p_w, sh - b - p_h
local pb = ss(4)
local pb2 = pb*2
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( sw - b - ss(w), sh - b - ss(BOXHEIGHT), ss(w), ss(BOXHEIGHT) )
if wep1c.Icon then
local gunsize = 128
surface.DrawRect( p_x, p_y, p_w, p_h )
do -- Name tag
local t_h = ss(15)
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetMaterial( wep1c.Icon )
-- surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( sw - b - ss(w/2), sh - b - ss(BOXHEIGHT/2), ss(32), ss(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectUV( sw - b - ss(w/2 + gunsize/2), sh - b - ss(BOXHEIGHT/2 - 8 + gunsize/2/2), ss(gunsize), ss(gunsize/2), 1, 0, 0, 1 )
surface.DrawRect( p_x+pb, p_y+pb, p_w-pb2, t_h )
-- Text bar
surface.SetFont( "Benny_18" )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawRect( sw - b - ss(w-4), sh - b - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4), ss(w-8), ss(14) )
draw.SimpleText( wep1c.Name, "Benny_16", p_x+ss(6), p_y+ss(5), scheme["bg"], TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( sw - b - ss(w-6), sh - b - ss(BOXHEIGHT-3) )
surface.DrawText( wep1c.Name or "???" )
-- PROTO: Make grenade/melee/firearm logic way way better.
if wep1c.Features == "grenade" then
if wep:GetGrenadeDown() then
local perc = math.TimeFraction( wep:GetGrenadeDownStart(), wep:GetGrenadeDownStart()+wep1c.GrenadeFuse, CurTime() )
perc = 1-math.Clamp( perc, 0, 1 )
if wep:BClass( false ).Firemodes then -- Firemode
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
local spruce = (w-127)
for i=0, math.Round(spruce) do
if (i/spruce) < perc then
surface.DrawRect( sw - b - ss(w-4) + ss(5*i), sh - b - ss(10+4), ss(3), ss(10) )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( sw - b - ss(w-4) + ss(5*i), sh - b - ss(10+4), ss(3), ss(10), ss(0.5) )
surface.DrawRect( p_x+pb, p_y + pb + t_h + ss(2), ss(30), ss(10) )
draw.SimpleText( wep:B_FiremodeName( false ), "Benny_12", p_x + pb + ss(14.5), p_y + pb + t_h + ss(8), scheme["bg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
-- draw.SimpleText( "[AMMO TYPE]", "Benny_10", p_x + pb + ss(30+4), p_y + pb + t_h + ss(8), scheme["fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
if wep:BClass( false ).Ammo then -- Ammo
local b_w, b_h = ss(3), ss(10)
local lw, lh = ss(2), ss(2)
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
local ammo = math.max( wep:Clip1(), wep:BClass( false ).Ammo )
if ammo>30 then b_w, b_h = ss(3), ss(4) end
local offset = b_h
local count = 1
for i=1, ammo do
local thefunk = surface.DrawRect
if i > wep:Clip1() then
thefunk = surface.DrawOutlinedRect
thefunk( p_x + p_w - b_w - pb - ((count-1)*(b_w+lw)), p_y + p_h - offset - pb, b_w, b_h, ss(0.5) )
count = count + 1
if i%30 == 0 then
count = 1
offset = offset + b_h + lh
elseif wep1c.Features == "firearm" then
local fmpw = 30
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawRect( sw - b - ss(w-4), sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4), ss(fmpw), ss(10) )
surface.SetFont( "Benny_12" )
local str = wep:B_FiremodeName( false )
local tw = surface.GetTextSize( str )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( sw - b - ss(w-19) - (tw/2), sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4) )
surface.DrawText( str )
surface.SetFont( "Benny_12" )
local text = wep:GetWep1Clip() == 0 and "---" or wep:Clip1()-- .. " - MAG " .. wep:GetWep1Clip()
local tw = surface.GetTextSize( text )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( sw - b - ss(4) - tw, sh - b - ss(25) )
surface.DrawText( text )
surface.SetFont( "Benny_12" )
local bx = 1
local count = math.max( wep:Clip1(), wep:BClass( false ).Ammo )
local size = ss(10)
local by = ss(2)
if count>90 then
size = ss(2)
by = -ss(6)
elseif count>60 then
size = ss(2)
by = -ss(6)
elseif count>30 then
size = ss(4)
by = -ss(4)
for i=1, count do
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
local a_x, a_y = sw - b - ss(3+4) - ( ss(5) * (bx-1) ), sh - b - ss(8+4) - by, ss(3)
if count>90 then
-- surface.DrawLine( a_x, a_y, a_x, a_y + size )
surface.DrawLine( a_x, a_y, a_x, a_y + size )
surface.DrawLine( a_x + ss(2)+1, a_y, a_x + ss(2)+1, a_y + size )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( a_x, a_y, ss(3), size, ss(0.5) )
if i <= wep:Clip1() then
surface.DrawRect( a_x, a_y, ss(3), size )
if i%30 == 0 then
if count>90 then
by = by + ss(3)
elseif count>60 then
by = by + ss(4)
elseif count>30 then
by = by + ss(6)
by = by + ss(10)
bx = 0
bx = bx + 1
local amlist = { wep:BTable( false )["Ammo" .. 1], wep:BTable( false )["Ammo" .. 2], wep:BTable( false )["Ammo" .. 3] }
local ind = 1
local bubby = ss(1)
local blen, bhei = 25, 10
for _, v in ipairs( amlist ) do
local active = wep:GetWep1Clip() == _
if v == 0 and !active then continue end
local perc = v / wep:BClass( false ).Ammo
local suuze = ss(blen*perc) - bubby*2*perc
if v != 0 then suuze = math.max( suuze, 1 ) end
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( sw - b - ss(w-4-2) + ss(fmpw) + ( ss(blen+2) * (ind-1) ),
sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4),
math.max(ss(0.5), 1) )
if active then
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( sw - b - ss(w-4-2) + ss(fmpw/2) + ( ss(blen+2) * (ind) ) + bubby - ss(4),
sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4) + bubby - ss(2) )
surface.DrawText( "x" )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawRect( sw - b - ss(w-4-2) + ss(fmpw) + ( ss(blen+2) * (ind-1) ) + bubby,
sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4) + bubby,
ss(bhei) - bubby*2 )
if active then
render.SetScissorRect( sw - b - ss(w-4-2) + ss(fmpw) + ( ss(blen+2) * (ind-1) ) + bubby,
sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4) + bubby,
sw - b - ss(w-4-2) + ss(fmpw) + ( ss(blen+2) * (ind-1) ) + bubby + suuze,
sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4) + bubby + (ss(bhei) - bubby*2), true )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( sw - b - ss(w-4-2) + ss(fmpw/2) + ( ss(blen+2) * (ind) ) + bubby - ss(4),
sh - b + ss(16) - ss(BOXHEIGHT-4) + bubby - ss(2) )
surface.DrawText( "x" )
render.SetScissorRect( 0, 0, 0, 0, false )
ind = ind + 1
-- local prog = {
-- {
-- Text = "SUPP. 09",
-- Bar = 0.7,
-- Icon = Material("benny/hud/atts/supp.png", ""),
-- },
-- {
-- Text = "LIGHT",
-- Bar = "ON",
-- Icon = Material("benny/hud/atts/light.png", ""),
-- },
-- {
-- Text = "ENERGY",
-- Bar = 0.2,
-- Icon = Material("benny/hud/atts/energy.png", ""),
-- },
-- }
-- Attachments?
if false then for i, v in ipairs( prog ) do
local ATTBOX = 24
local ATTLEN = 64
local bump = ss(2)
-- BG
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
local x, y = sw - b - ss(w - ((ATTLEN+2)*(i-1))), sh - b - ss(BOXHEIGHT+ATTBOX+4)
surface.DrawRect( x, y, ss(ATTLEN), ss(ATTBOX) )
-- Text bar
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawRect( x+bump, y+bump, ss(ATTBOX-4), ss(ATTBOX-4) )
render.PushFilterMag( TEXFILTER.LINEAR )
render.PushFilterMin( TEXFILTER.LINEAR )
surface.SetMaterial( v.Icon )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawTexturedRect( x+bump, y+bump, ss(ATTBOX-4), ss(ATTBOX-4) )
surface.SetFont( "Benny_8" )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( x+bump + ss(ATTBOX-2), y+bump - ss(1) )
surface.DrawText( v.Text )
if isstring(v.Bar) then
surface.SetFont( "Benny_8" )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( x+bump + ss(ATTBOX-2), y+bump - ss(1-7) )
surface.DrawText( v.Bar )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( x+bump + ss(ATTBOX-2), y+bump - ss(1-7), ss(30), ss(6), ss(0.5) )
surface.DrawRect( x+bump + ss(ATTBOX-2), y+bump - ss(1-7), ss(30)*v.Bar, ss(6) )
-- surface.SetFont( "Benny_12" )
-- surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
-- surface.SetTextPos( x+bump + ss(ATTBOX-1), y+bump - ss(1) )
-- surface.DrawText( "10" )
end end
if wep:GetUserAim() then -- Crosshair
local s, w, h = ss, ScrW(), ScrH()
@ -585,7 +423,7 @@ hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Benny_HUDPaint", function()
do -- Quickinv
if false then -- Quickinv
local inv = p:INV_Get()
local gap = ss(1)

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ function GM:PlayerSpawn( ply )
ply:SetWalkSpeed( 160 )
ply:SetRunSpeed( 220 )
ply:SetStepSize( 16 )
ply:SetCanZoom( false )
if SERVER then