Camera kissy

This commit is contained in:
Fesiug 2023-09-13 22:15:43 -04:00
parent 0268d06360
commit 6fe7725ebd
6 changed files with 163 additions and 193 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
SWEP.Base = "weapon_base"
SWEP.PrintName = "Benny Weapon Handler"
SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/c_pistol.mdl"
SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl"
function SWEP:PrimaryAttack()
return true
function SWEP:SecondaryAttack()
return true
function SWEP:Reload()
return true
function SWEP:Think()
return true
function SWEP:Deploy()
return true
function SWEP:Holster()
return true

View File

@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
local debugcolor = Color( 255, 0, 255, 1 ) local debugcolor = Color( 255, 0, 255, 1 )
BENNY.Cameras = {} tempmapcameras = {}
BENNY.Cameras["main"] = { tempmapcameras["benny_test"] = {}
tempmapcameras["benny_test"]["main"] = {
Type = "Standard", Type = "Standard",
Pos = Vector( -692, 0, 268 ), Pos = Vector( -692, 0, 268 ),
Ang = Angle( 55, 0, 0 ), Ang = Angle( 55, 0, 0 ),
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ BENNY.Cameras["main"] = {
end end
} }
BENNY.Cameras["grass"] = { tempmapcameras["benny_test"]["grass"] = {
Pos = Vector( -1622, -214, 284 ), Pos = Vector( -1622, -214, 284 ),
Ang = Angle( 70, 0, 0 ), Ang = Angle( 70, 0, 0 ),
FOV = 90, FOV = 90,
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ BENNY.Cameras["grass"] = {
end end
} }
BENNY.Cameras["barber"] = { tempmapcameras["benny_test"]["barber"] = {
Pos = Vector( -64, -126, 54 ), Pos = Vector( -64, -126, 54 ),
Ang = Angle( 15, 45, 0 ), Ang = Angle( 15, 45, 0 ),
FOV = 90, FOV = 90,
@ -121,109 +123,69 @@ BENNY.Cameras["barber"] = {
end end
} }
--[[ BENNY.Cameras["hall"] = { BENNY_ACTIVECAMERA = nil
Type = "Fixed",
Pos = Vector( 794, -40, 84 ),
Ang = Angle( 29, 180, 0 ),
Checks = {
Vector( 273, -111, 0 ),
Vector( 751, 99, -130 ),
v1 = Vector( 400, 0, -128 ),
v2 = Vector( 630, 0, -128 ),
FOV = 67,
Special = function( self, ply )
local pos = Vector()
pos:Set( self.Pos )
local ang = Angle()
ang:Set( self.Ang )
debugoverlay.Cross( self.v1, 8, 0, color_white, true )
debugoverlay.Cross( self.v2, 8, 0, color_white, true )
local amt = math.TimeFraction( self.v1.x, self.v2.x, ply:GetPos().x )
amt = math.Clamp( amt, 0, 1 )
ang.p = ang.p + ( 32 * amt )
pos.x = pos.x - ( 50 * (1-amt) )
return pos, ang, self.FOV
} ]]
--[[ BENNY.Cameras["racks"] = {
Type = "Standard",
Pos = Vector( 120, 0, 280 ),
Ang = Angle( 60, 180, 0 ),
Checks = {
Vector( 890, 135, 0 ),
Vector( -253, 765, -130 )
v1 = Vector( 870, 135, -130 ),
v2 = Vector( 760, 135, -130 ),
v3 = Vector( 890, 135, -130 ),
v4 = Vector( -253, 135, -130 ),
FOV = 75,
Special = function( self, ply )
local pos = Vector()
pos:Set( ply:GetPos() )
pos:Add( self.Pos )
local ang = Angle()
ang:Set( self.Ang )
debugoverlay.Cross( self.v1, 8, 0, color_white, true )
debugoverlay.Cross( self.v2, 8, 0, color_white, true )
pos.x = math.Clamp( pos.x, -200, 890 )
pos.y = math.Clamp( pos.y, 300, 600 )
do -- close to back wall
local amt = math.TimeFraction( self.v1.x, self.v2.x, ply:GetPos().x )
amt = math.Clamp( amt, 0, 1 )
-- pos.x = pos.x - ( (150) * (1-amt) )
ang.p = ang.p + ( 10 * (1-amt) )
do -- stretch
local amt = math.TimeFraction( self.v3.x, self.v4.x, ply:GetPos().x )
amt = math.Clamp( amt, 0, 1 )
-- pos.x = pos.x - ( (1143) * (amt) )
return pos, ang, self.FOV
} ]]
local c_over = CreateConVar( "benny_cam_override", "" ) local c_over = CreateConVar( "benny_cam_override", "" )
local c_unlock = CreateConVar( "benny_cam_unlock", 0 ) local c_unlock = CreateConVar( "benny_cam_unlock", 0 )
local si = 4
local ctrace = {
start = nil,
endpos = nil,
mins = Vector( -si, -si, -si ),
maxs = Vector( si, si, si ),
filter = nil,
local tempcam = {
FOV = 90,
Special = function( self, ply )
local pos = Vector()
local ang = Angle()
local fov = self.FOV
local ppos = ply:GetPos()
local pang = ply:EyeAngles()
pos:Set( ppos )
ang:Add( pang )
pos.z = pos.z + 68
ctrace.start = pos
ctrace.endpos = pos + ( ang:Forward() * -60 ) + ( ang:Right() * 20 )
ctrace.filter = ply
local tr = util.TraceHull( ctrace )
pos = tr.HitPos
return pos, ang, fov
local function decide_active() local function decide_active()
print( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) -- print( LocalPlayer():GetPos() )
for name, camera in pairs( BENNY.Cameras ) do -- BENNY_ACTIVECAMERA = tempcam
if camera.Checks then if tempmapcameras[ game.GetMap() ] then
for i, v in ipairs(camera.Checks) do for name, camera in pairs( tempmapcameras[ game.GetMap() ] ) do
if LocalPlayer():GetPos():WithinAABox( v[1], v[2] ) then if camera.Checks then
debugoverlay.Box( vector_origin, v[1], v[2], 0, debugcolor ) for i, v in ipairs(camera.Checks) do
return name if LocalPlayer():GetPos():WithinAABox( v[1], v[2] ) then
debugoverlay.Box( vector_origin, v[1], v[2], 0, debugcolor )
return true
end end
end end
end end
end end
return false
end end
hook.Add( "CalcView", "MyCalcView", function( ply, pos, ang, fov ) hook.Add( "CalcView", "MyCalcView", function( ply, pos, ang, fov )
if c_unlock:GetBool() then return end if c_unlock:GetBool() then return end
if ply:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then return end if ply:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then return end
local da = decide_active() decide_active()
if da then local camera = BENNY_ACTIVECAMERA
local camera = BENNY.Cameras[BENNY_ACTIVECAMERA]
if camera then if camera then
local view = { local view = {
origin = camera.Pos, origin = camera.Pos,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-- HUD
local hide = {
["CHudHealth"] = true,
["CHudBattery"] = true,
["CHudAmmo"] = true,
["CHudSecondaryAmmo"] = true,
["CHudPoisonDamageIndicator"] = true,
hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "HideHUD", function( name )
if ( hide[ name ] ) then return false end
end )
function ss( scale )
return scale * ( ScrH() / 480 )
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Benny_HUDPaint", function()
surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, 256, 256 )
end )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function GM:PlayerSetModel( ply )
ply:SetModel( "models/player/group01/male_07.mdl" )
function GM:PlayerLoadout( ply )
ply:Give( "benny" )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
-- Movement
local wa, wb = 0, 0
local blop = Angle()
hook.Add( "CreateMove", "CamFuck", function( cmd )
if LocalPlayer():GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then
local x, y = cmd:GetForwardMove(), cmd:GetSideMove()
wa, wb = x, y
local ad = Vector( x, y, 0 )
local an = Angle()
an:Set( RenderAngles() )
an.p = 0
local am = Angle()
am:Set( cmd:GetViewAngles() )
am.p = 0
ad:Rotate( am )
ad:Rotate( -an )
cmd:SetForwardMove( ad.x )
cmd:SetSideMove( ad.y )
if x != 0 or y != 0 then
local thing = Vector( x, -y, 0 ):Angle()
thing.y = thing.y + an.y
blop.y = math.ApproachAngle( blop.y, thing.y, FrameTime() * 360 )
cmd:SetViewAngles( blop )
function GM:PlayerNoClip()
return true

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
local wa, wb = 0, 0
hook.Add( "CreateMove", "CamFuck", function( cmd )
if LocalPlayer():GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then
local x, y = cmd:GetForwardMove(), cmd:GetSideMove()
wa, wb = x, y
local ad = Vector( x, y, 0 )
local an = Angle()
an:Set( RenderAngles() )
an.p = 0
local am = Angle()
am:Set( cmd:GetViewAngles() )
am.p = 0
ad:Rotate( am )
ad:Rotate( -an )
--print(ad.x, ad.y)
cmd:SetForwardMove( ad.x )
cmd:SetSideMove( ad.y )
function GM:PlayerNoClip()
return true
if CLIENT then
local function ss( scale )
return scale * ( ScrH() / 480 )
local w25, w50, w75, w100 = Color( 255, 255, 255, 0.25*255 ), Color( 255, 255, 255, 0.50*255 ), Color( 255, 255, 255, 0.75*255 ), Color( 255, 255, 255, 1.00*255 )
local g25, g50, g75, g100 = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.25*255 ), Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.50*255 ), Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.75*255 ), Color( 0, 0, 0, 1.00*255 )
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "HUDFuck", function()
local bo = ss( 20 )
local cr, cd = ss( 50 ), ss( 100 )
surface.SetDrawColor( g100 )
surface.DrawRect( bo, ScrH() - bo + cr, cd, cd )
surface.SetDrawColor( w25 )
surface.DrawLine( bo + cr, ScrH() - bo - cd, bo + cr, ScrH() - bo )
surface.DrawLine( bo, ScrH() - bo - cr, bo + cd, ScrH() - bo - cr )
surface.SetDrawColor( w100 )
surface.DrawCircle( bo + cr, ScrH() - bo - cr, cr )
local ox, oy = 0, 0
local msp = 300
ox = wb/msp
oy = -wa/msp
ox = math.Clamp( ox, -1, 1 ) * cr
oy = math.Clamp( oy, -1, 1 ) * cr
surface.DrawCircle( bo + cr + ox, ScrH() - bo - cr + oy, ss( 2 ) )
-- local x, y, w, h = 0, 0, 360, 240
-- local ow, oh = 512, 512
-- local camera = BENNY.Cameras[BENNY_ACTIVECAMERA]
-- local view = {
-- origin = camera.Pos,
-- angles = camera.Ang,
-- fov = camera.FOV or 60,
-- drawviewer = true
-- }
-- if camera.Special then
-- view.origin, view.angles, view.fov = camera.Special( camera, LocalPlayer() )
-- end
-- view.angles.p = 0
-- view.angles.r = 0
-- local aratio = w/h
-- render.RenderView( {
-- origin = view.origin + Vector( 0, 0, 64 ),
-- angles = Angle( 90, view.angles.y, 0 ),
-- aspect = 1,
-- fov = 90,
-- x = x, y = y,
-- w = w, h = h,
-- ortho = {
-- left = -ow, right = ow,
-- top = -oh / aratio, bottom = oh / aratio,
-- },
-- } )