Crosshair improvements

This commit is contained in:
Fesiug 2023-12-06 20:50:51 -05:00
parent c99b347295
commit 8f95c022d6
1 changed files with 25 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -258,11 +258,12 @@ local col_2 = Color(0, 0, 0, 255)
local col_3 = Color(255, 127, 127, 255)
local col_4 = Color(255, 222, 222, 255)
local heartbeatcol = Color(255, 255, 255, 255)
local mat_dot = Material("benny/hud/xhair/dotx.png", "")
local mat_long = Material("benny/hud/xhair/long.png", "")
local mat_dot = Material("benny/hud/xhair/dotx.png", "smooth")
local mat_long = Material("benny/hud/xhair/long.png", "smooth")
local mat_dot_s = Material("benny/hud/xhair/dot_s.png", "mips smooth")
local mat_long_s = Material("benny/hud/xhair/long_s.png", "mips smooth")
local spacer_long = 2 -- screenscaled
local spacer_long = 5 -- screenscaled
local spacer = 1 -- screenscaled
local gap = 8
local trash_vec, trash_ang = Vector(), Angle()
@ -534,10 +535,16 @@ hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Benny_HUDPaint", function()
if wep:GetUserAim() then -- Crosshair
if wep:GetUserAim() and wep:BClass( false ) then -- Crosshair
local s, w, h = ss, ScrW(), ScrH()
local pl_x, pl_y = w/2, h/2
local dispersion = math.rad( wep:BSpread( false ) )
local lool = ( EyePos() + ( EyeAngles():Forward()*8192 ) + ( dispersion * EyeAngles():Up()*8192 ) ) :ToScreen()
gap = ( (ScrH()/2) - lool.y )
local tr1 = util.TraceLine({
start = p:EyePos(),
@ -585,30 +592,30 @@ hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Benny_HUDPaint", function()
local mat1 = i == 1 and mat_long_s or mat_long
local mat2 = i == 1 and mat_dot_s or mat_dot
surface.SetDrawColor( cooler )
if wep.XHairMode == "rifle" then
if wep:BClass( false ).Type == "rifle" then
surface.SetMaterial( mat1 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - s(spacer_long) - gap, poosy, s(16), s(16), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + s(spacer_long) + gap, poosy, s(16), s(16), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - s(spacer_long) - gap, poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + s(spacer_long) + gap, poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy - gap, s(16), s(16), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap, s(16), s(16), 0 )
elseif wep.XHairMode == "smg" then
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy - gap - s(spacer), s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap + s(spacer), s(32), s(32), 0 )
elseif wep:BClass( false ).Type == "smg" then
surface.SetMaterial( mat1 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap + s(spacer_long), s(16), s(16), 90 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), poosy - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), s(16), s(16), -45 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) + (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), poosy - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), s(16), s(16), 45 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap + s(spacer_long), s(32), s(32), 90 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), poosy - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), s(32), s(32), -45 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) + (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), poosy - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*gap) - (math.sin(math.rad(45))*s(spacer_long)), s(32), s(32), 45 )
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy, s(16), s(16), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
else -- pistol
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - gap, poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + gap, poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - gap - s(spacer), poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + gap + s(spacer), poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy - gap, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy - gap - s(spacer), s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap + s(spacer), s(32), s(32), 0 )