if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString( "benny_sendinvitem" ) util.AddNetworkString( "benny_discardinvitem" ) end function BENNY.CreateItem( classname ) local class = WeaponGet(classname) assert( class, "Invalid Class " .. tostring(classname) ) local item = { Class = classname, Acquisition = CurTime(), } if class.Features == "firearm" then item.Loaded = "" elseif class.Features == "magazine" then item.Ammo = class.Ammo end return item end concommand.Add("benny_debug_give", function(ply, cmd, args) assert(SERVER, "not server") local inv = ply:INV_Get() local str = UUID_generate() local newitem = BENNY.CreateItem( args[1] ) inv[str] = newitem -- PROTO: WriteTable. net.Start( "benny_sendinvitem" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.WriteTable( newitem ) net.Send( ply ) end, function(cmd, args) args = string.Trim(args:lower()) local meow = {} for i, v in SortedPairs( WEAPONS ) do if string.lower(i):find(args) then table.insert( meow, cmd .. " " .. i ) end end return meow end, "arg 1: classname") if CLIENT then net.Receive( "benny_sendinvitem", function() LocalPlayer():INV_Get()[net.ReadString()] = net.ReadTable() end) net.Receive( "benny_discardinvitem", function() LocalPlayer():INV_Get()[net.ReadString()] = nil end) end concommand.Add("benny_inv_discard", function( ply, cmd, args ) local inv = ply:INV_Get() local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon() local item = inv[args[1]] -- PROTO: Check that this is the correct 'benny' weapon. assert( item, "That item doesn't exist. " .. tostring(item) ) inv[args[1]] = nil net.Start( "benny_discardinvitem" ) net.WriteString( args[1] ) net.Send( ply ) if wep:bGetInvID( false ) == args[1] then print( "Disequipped " .. args[1] .. " for " .. tostring(wep) ) wep:SetWep1( "" ) wep:SetWep1_Clip( "" ) wep:SetClip1( 0 ) end if wep:bGetInvID( true ) == args[1] then print( "Disequipped " .. args[1] .. " for " .. tostring(wep) ) wep:SetWep2( "" ) wep:SetWep2_Clip( "" ) wep:SetClip2( 0 ) end if wep:bGetMagInvID( false ) == args[1] then inv[wep:bGetInvID( false )].Loaded = "" wep:SetWep1_Clip( "" ) wep:SetClip1( 0 ) end if wep:bGetMagInvID( true ) == args[1] then inv[wep:bGetInvID( true )].Loaded = "" wep:SetWep2_Clip( "" ) wep:SetClip2( 0 ) end end) hook.Add( "PlayerDeathSound", "Benny_PlayerDeathSound", function( ply ) return true -- we don't want the default sound! end ) if CLIENT then hook.Add( "PlayerButtonDown", "Benny_PlayerButtonDown_Dev", function( ply, button ) local wep = ply:BennyCheck() if IsFirstTimePredicted() then if button == KEY_F1 then OpenSettingsMenu() elseif button == KEY_F2 then OpenDebugInv() elseif button == KEY_F3 then OpenSMenu() elseif button == KEY_F4 then -- OpenDeadeye() elseif button == KEY_F5 then elseif button == KEY_F6 then elseif button == KEY_F7 then elseif button == KEY_F8 then elseif button == KEY_F9 then elseif button == KEY_F11 then elseif button == KEY_F12 then end end end) end