-- Predicted weapon switching local dads = { [KEY_1] = 1, [KEY_2] = 2, [KEY_3] = 3, [KEY_4] = 4, [KEY_5] = 5, [KEY_6] = 6, [KEY_7] = 7, [KEY_8] = 8, [KEY_9] = 9, [KEY_0] = 0, } local function beatup( ply, num ) local weighted = ply:INV_Weight() local inv = ply:INV_Get() local wep = ply:BennyCheck() local iflip = table.Flip( inv ) local hand = ply:KeyDown(IN_ZOOM) local invid = 0 if CLIENT and !IsFirstTimePredicted() then return end for _, item in pairs( weighted ) do local class = WeaponGet(item.Class) local id = iflip[item] if class.Features == "firearm" or class.Features == "grenade" then invid = invid + 1 if num == 0 then num = 10 end if num == invid then if id == wep:bGetReqInvID( hand ) then -- If we are selected our currently equipped weapon, holster it. return wep:bSetReqInvID( hand, "" ) else if wep:bGetReqInvID( hand ) != "" then -- Something is in this hand if wep:bGetReqInvID( !hand ) != "" then -- Something in the other hand wep:bSetReqInvID( !hand, wep:bGetReqInvID( hand ) ) wep:bSetReqInvID( hand, id ) return else -- Nothing in the other hand wep:bSetReqInvID( !hand, "" ) wep:bSetReqInvID( hand, id ) return end else -- Nothing in this hand. if wep:bGetReqInvID( !hand ) == id then -- Weapon we want is in the other hand. wep:bSetReqInvID( !hand, "" ) wep:bSetReqInvID( hand, id ) return end end return wep:bSetReqInvID( hand, id ) end end end end return wep:bSetReqInvID( hand, "" ) end hook.Add( "PlayerButtonDown", "Benny_PlayerButtonDown_Inv", function( ply, button ) local wep = ply:BennyCheck() if dads[button] then beatup( ply, dads[button] ) end end)