-- Main menu local meow = { "RESUME", "", "START GAME", "LOAD GAME", "", "JOIN SERVER", "START SERVER", "", "OPTIONS", "QUIT", } local function unimplemented() if mb and mb:IsValid() then mb:Remove() end mb = vgui.Create( "BFrame" ) mb:SetSize( ss(160), ss(50) ) mb:Center() mb:MakePopup() mb:SetTitle( "Woops!" ) local oldpaint = mb.Paint function mb:Paint( w, h ) oldpaint( self, w, h ) surface.SetDrawColor( schema("fg") ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h, ss(1) ) draw.SimpleText( "That isn't implemented yet.", "Benny_12", w/2, ss(18), schema_c("fg"), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end local okbutton = mb:Add("DButton") okbutton:SetText("") okbutton:SetSize( ss(30), ss(12) ) okbutton:SetPos( mb:GetWide()/2 - okbutton:GetWide()/2, mb:GetTall() - okbutton:GetTall() - ss(6) ) function okbutton:Paint( w, h ) surface.SetDrawColor( schema("bg") ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h ) surface.SetDrawColor( schema("fg") ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h, ss(1) ) draw.SimpleText( "OK", "Benny_10", w/2, ss(2), schema_c("fg"), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end function okbutton:DoClick() mb:Remove() end end function CreateMainMenu() if mm and mm:IsValid() then mm:Remove() end mm = vgui.Create( "BFrame" ) mm:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() ) mm:Center() mm:MakePopup() mm:SetPopupStayAtBack( true ) mm:SetTitle("Main Menu") local oldpaint = mm.Paint function mm:Paint( w, h ) oldpaint( self, w, h ) draw.SimpleText( "YOUR", "Benny_48", ss(34), self:GetTall()/2 - ss(54 + (28*3)), schema_c("fg") ) draw.SimpleText( "NAME", "Benny_48", ss(34), self:GetTall()/2 - ss(54 + (28*2)), schema_c("fg") ) draw.SimpleText( "IS", "Benny_48", ss(34), self:GetTall()/2 - ss(54 + (28*1)), schema_c("fg") ) draw.SimpleText( "BENNY", "Benny_72", ss(32), self:GetTall()/2 - ss(58 + (28*0)), schema_c("fg") ) end local bump = -ss(32) for i=#meow, 1, -1 do local label = meow[i] local spacer = label == "" local button = mm:Add("DButton") button:SetText("") button:SetSize( ss(256), ss(spacer and 0 or 16) ) button:SetPos( ss(32), mm:GetTall() + ss(bump) ) function button:Paint( w, h ) if !spacer then surface.SetDrawColor( schema("bg") ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h ) surface.SetDrawColor( schema("fg") ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h, ss(0.5) ) draw.SimpleText( label, "Benny_16", ss(4+16), ss(2), schema_c("fg") ) end end button.DoClick = unimplemented bump = bump - (spacer and 12 or (16+4)) end end concommand.Add("benny_ui_mainmenu", function() CreateMainMenu() end)