if SERVER then return end if util.IsBinaryModuleInstalled("gdiscord") then require("gdiscord") local RPC_AppID = "1287531216630976603" function DiscordUpdate() local rpc_data = {} rpc_data["buttonPrimaryLabel"] = "Join Server" rpc_data["buttonPrimaryUrl"] = "steam://open/friends"-- .. "" rpc_data["buttonSecondaryLabel"] = "Join Server" rpc_data["buttonSecondaryUrl"] = "steam://open/friends"-- .. "" rpc_data["partySize"] = player.GetCount() rpc_data["partyMax"] = game.MaxPlayers() rpc_data["largeImageKey"] = "benny_1"--"map_b-mp_6t" rpc_data["largeImageText"] = "The Six Team Map" --rpc_data["smallImageKey"] = "doof2" --rpc_data["smallImageText"] = "Domination" local NewTime = os.time() - math.floor(CurTime()) local modedata = BennyGame:GetModeData() local modename = modedata and l8( modedata.name ) or "(unknown)" local details = modename .. " on " .. BennyGame:GetMapName() local title = "" if BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_ACTIVE then rpc_data["startTimestamp"] = NewTime + BennyGame:GetRoundStartedAt() rpc_data["endTimestamp"] = NewTime + BennyGame:GetRoundStartedAt() + BennyGame:GetTimeLimit() local myteam = LocalPlayer():Team() local myteamscore = BennyGame:GetScoreForTeam( myteam ) if BennyGame.RTeamID[ myteam ] then -- In play local BiggestScore = 0 for TeamID, RealTeamID in ipairs( BennyGame.TeamsInPlay ) do if RealTeamID == myteam then continue end BiggestScore = math.max( BiggestScore, BennyGame:GetScoreForTeam( RealTeamID ) ) end if myteamscore > BiggestScore then details = details .. " ▪ Winning" elseif myteamscore == BiggestScore then details = details .. " ▪ Tied" else details = details .. " ▪ Losing" end else details = details .. " ▪ Spectating" end local first = true if BennyGame.RTeamID[ myteam ] then details = details .. " ▪ " .. myteamscore first = false else details = details .. " ▪ " end for TeamID, RealTeamID in ipairs( BennyGame.TeamsInPlay ) do if RealTeamID == myteam then continue end details = details .. (first and "" or "-") .. BennyGame:GetScoreForTeam( RealTeamID ) -- placeholder, i need a thing first = false end elseif BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_PRE then rpc_data["startTimestamp"] = NewTime + BennyGame:GetPregameStartedAt() rpc_data["endTimestamp"] = NewTime + BennyGame:GetPregameStartedAt() + BennyGame:GetPregameTime() title = "Pregame" elseif BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_POST then rpc_data["startTimestamp"] = NewTime + BennyGame:GetRoundFinishedAt() rpc_data["endTimestamp"] = NewTime + BennyGame:GetRoundFinishedAt() + BennyGame:GetPostgameTime() title = "Postgame" elseif BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_WAITINGFORPLAYERS then rpc_data["startTimestamp"] = nil--NewTime + BennyGame:GetRoundFinishedAt() + BennyGame:GetPostgameTime() rpc_data["endTimestamp"] = nil title = "Waiting for Players" end rpc_data["details"] = details rpc_data["state"] = title DiscordUpdateRPC(rpc_data) end hook.Add("Think", "RPresence_Think_Discord", function() if !RPC_Initialized then DiscordRPCInitialize(RPC_AppID) DiscordUpdate() RPC_Initialized = true RPC_NextUpdate = RealTime() + 1 end if RPC_NextUpdate <= RealTime() then DiscordUpdate() RPC_NextUpdate = RealTime() + 1 end end) else print("A module is missing: gdiscord") end if util.IsBinaryModuleInstalled("steamrichpresencer") then require("steamrichpresencer") function SteamUpdate() local title = "Your Name Is Benny" --title = " ▪ Domination on SixT" --title = " ▪ Winning" --title = " ▪ 999-10" local modedata = BennyGame:GetModeData() local modename = modedata and l8( modedata.name ) or "(unknown)" title = title .. " ▪ " .. modename .. " on " .. BennyGame:GetMapName() if BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_ACTIVE then local myteam = LocalPlayer():Team() local myteamscore = BennyGame:GetScoreForTeam( myteam ) if BennyGame.RTeamID[ myteam ] then -- In play local BiggestScore = 0 for TeamID, RealTeamID in ipairs( BennyGame.TeamsInPlay ) do if RealTeamID == myteam then continue end BiggestScore = math.max( BiggestScore, BennyGame:GetScoreForTeam( RealTeamID ) ) end if myteamscore > BiggestScore then title = title .. " ▪ Winning" elseif myteamscore == BiggestScore then title = title .. " ▪ Tied" else title = title .. " ▪ Losing" end else title = title .. " ▪ Spectating" end local first = true if BennyGame.RTeamID[ myteam ] then title = title .. " ▪ " .. myteamscore first = false else title = title .. " ▪ " end for TeamID, RealTeamID in ipairs( BennyGame.TeamsInPlay ) do if RealTeamID == myteam then continue end title = title .. (first and "" or "-") .. BennyGame:GetScoreForTeam( RealTeamID ) -- placeholder, i need a thing first = false end elseif BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_PRE then title = title .. " ▪ Pregame" elseif BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_POST then title = title .. " ▪ Postgame" elseif BennyGame:GetState() == BG_STATE_WAITINGFORPLAYERS then title = title .. " ▪ Waiting for Players" end steamworks.SetRichPresence("generic", title) steamworks.SetRichPresence("steam_player_group", tostring(BennyGame:GetUUID()) ) steamworks.SetRichPresence("steam_player_group_size", tostring(#player.GetHumans()) ) end hook.Add("Think", "RPresence_Think_Steam", function() if (Steam_NextUpdate or 0) <= RealTime() then SteamUpdate() Steam_NextUpdate = RealTime() + 1 end end) else print("A module is missing: steamrichpresencer") end