function GM:PlayerSpawn( ply ) player_manager.SetPlayerClass( ply, "player_benny" ) ply:SetViewOffset( Vector( 0, 0, 64 ) ) ply:SetViewOffsetDucked( Vector( 0, 0, 50 ) ) ply:Give( "benny" ) ply:SetStamina( 1 ) ply:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed( 0.3 ) ply:SetDuckSpeed( 0.1 ) ply:SetUnDuckSpeed( 0.1 ) ply:SetSlowWalkSpeed( 100 ) ply:SetWalkSpeed( 200 ) ply:SetRunSpeed( 200 ) ply:SetStepSize( 16 ) ply:SetCanZoom( false ) ply:MakeCharacter() end local PT = FindMetaTable( "Player" ) local bgl = { ["benny"] = { [0] = Vector( 0.275, 0.7, 0.7 ), [1] = 17, [2] = 7, [3] = 2, [4] = 11, [5] = 3, [6] = 0, [7] = 0, [8] = 3, [9] = 0, [10] = 0, [11] = 0, [12] = 3, [13] = 0, }, ["nikki"] = { [0] = Vector( 0.9, 0.3, 0.9 ), [1] = 17, [2] = 7, [3] = 2, [4] = 11, [5] = 3, [6] = 0, [7] = 0, [8] = 2, [9] = 1, [10] = 5, [11] = 0, [12] = 3, [13] = 0, }, ["igor"] = { [0] = Vector( 0.776, 0.929, 0.89 ), [1] = 4, [2] = 6, [3] = 2, [4] = 3, [5] = 1, [6] = 0, [7] = 2, [8] = 3, [9] = 3, [10] = 6, [11] = 2, [12] = 1, [13] = 0, }, ["yanghao"] = { [0] = Vector( 0.627, 0.21, 0.186 ), [1] = 13, [2] = 2, [3] = 0, [4] = 3, [5] = 0, [6] = 1, [7] = 3, [8] = 0, [9] = 3, [10] = 4, [11] = 0, [12] = 0, [13] = 0, }, ["mp_cia"] = { [0] = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) }, ["mp_plasof"] = { [0] = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) }, ["mp_militia"] = { [0] = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) }, ["mp_natguard"] = { [0] = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) }, ["mp_viper"] = { [0] = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) }, ["mp_halo"] = { [0] = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) }, } function PT:MakeCharacter() local char = ConVarSV_String("tempchar") self:SetModel( "models/player/infoplayerrealism.mdl" ) self:SetPlayerColor( bgl[char][0] ) self:SetBodygroup( 0, 0 ) self:SetSkin( 3 ) for i, v in ipairs( bgl[char] ) do self:SetBodygroup( i, v ) end end function PT:BennyCheck() local wep = self:GetActiveWeapon() return ( wep:IsValid() and wep:GetClass() == "benny" and wep.GetUserAim ) and wep or false end function PT:CamSpot( ang ) local w = self:GetActiveWeapon() if !IsValid( w ) then w = false end local aim = w and w:GetAim() or 0 if w then aim = w:GetUserAim() and math.ease.OutCubic( aim ) or math.ease.InCubic( aim ) end local pos = self:GetPos() local perc = math.TimeFraction( self:GetViewOffset().z, self:GetViewOffsetDucked().z, self:GetCurrentViewOffset().z ) pos.z = pos.z + Lerp( perc, 64, 52 ) pos:Add( Lerp( aim, 16, 16 ) * ang:Right() ) pos:Add( Lerp( aim, -64, -32 ) * ang:Forward() ) pos:Add( 0 * ang:Up() ) pos:Add( Lerp( aim, 16, 16 ) * ang:Up() * (ang.p/90) ) local tr = util.TraceHull( { start = self:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, Lerp( perc, 64, 52 ) ), endpos = pos, mins = -Vector( 4, 4, 4 ), maxs = Vector( 4, 4, 4 ), filter = self }) return tr.HitPos, ang, 90 end function PT:NoclippingAndNotVaulting() return (self:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP and self:GetVaultTransition() == 0) end function PT:INV_Get() if !self.INV then print( "Inventory created for " .. tostring(self) ) self.INV = {} end return self.INV end function PT:INV_Discard( id ) if self:INV_Get()[ id ] then self:INV_Get()[ id ] = nil end end SORTS = { ["Acquisition"] = function( a, b ) return inv[b]["Acquisition"] > inv[a]["Acquisition"] end, } function PT:INV_Find( class, exclude ) local inv = self:INV_Get() local results = {} for i, v in pairs( inv ) do if v.Class == class and i != (exclude or "") then table.insert( results, i ) end end -- PROTO: HOLY SHIT THIS SUCKS, MAKES A FUNCTION AND MIGHT RUN EVERY FRAME!!! table.sort( results, function( a, b ) return inv[b]["Acquisition"] > inv[a]["Acquisition"] end ) -- table.sort( results, SORTS["Acquisition"] ) return results end local T_WEIGHT = { ["sniper"] = 45, ["machinegun"] = 40, ["rifle"] = 35, ["shotgun"] = 30, ["smg"] = 25, ["pistol"] = 20, ["melee"] = 15, ["special"] = 10, ["utility"] = 05, ["equipment"] = 00, ["grenade"] = -10, ["magazine"] = -100, ["base"] = -1000, } function PT:INV_Weight() local inv = self:INV_Get() local results = {} for i, v in pairs( inv ) do if WeaponGet(v.Class).Features != "magazine" then table.insert( results, { inv[i], WeaponGet(v.Class) } ) end end -- PROTO: HOLY SHIT THIS SUCKS, MAKES A FUNCTION AND MIGHT RUN EVERY FRAME!!! table.sort( results, function( a, b ) return (T_WEIGHT[b[2]["Category"]] - b[1]["Acquisition"]*(1e-5)) < (T_WEIGHT[a[2]["Category"]] - a[1]["Acquisition"]*(1e-5)) end ) local finale = {} for i, v in ipairs( results ) do table.insert( finale, v[1] ) end return finale end function PT:INV_FindMag( class, exclude ) local inv = self:INV_Get() local results = {} for i, v in pairs( inv ) do -- PROTO: STANAG mags and such should share, and this'll need to be changed. if v.Class == ("mag_" .. class) and (exclude and !exclude[i] or !exclude and true) then table.insert( results, i ) end end -- PROTO: HOLY SHIT THIS SUCKS, MAKES A FUNCTION AND MIGHT RUN EVERY FRAME!!! table.sort( results, function( a, b ) return (inv[b]["Ammo"] - (inv[b]["Acquisition"]*(1e-5))) < (inv[a]["Ammo"] - (inv[a]["Acquisition"]*(1e-5))) end ) return results end function PT:INV_FindMagSmart( class, loader ) local inv = self:INV_Get() local loadm = inv[loader] local addexc = {} for i, v in pairs( inv ) do if v.Loaded and v.Loaded != "" then addexc[v.Loaded] = true end end local findmag = self:INV_FindMag( class, addexc ) local f_maginv = {} if addexc[loadm.Loaded] or loadm.Loaded != "" then table.insert( f_maginv, loadm.Loaded ) end for i, v in ipairs( findmag ) do table.insert( f_maginv, v ) end return f_maginv end do local translat = { ["melee"] = { 1, 1 }, ["special"] = { 1, 2 }, ["pistol"] = { 2, 1 }, ["smg"] = { 3, 1 }, ["shotgun"] = { 4, 1 }, ["sniper"] = { 5, 1 }, ["rifle"] = { 5, 2 }, ["machinegun"] = { 5, 3 }, ["grenade"] = { 6, 1 }, ["utility"] = { 6, 2 }, ["equipment"] = { 7, 1 }, ["magazine"] = { 8, 1 }, ["base"] = { 8, 2 }, } -- PROTO: Cache this! function PT:INV_Buckets() local inventorylist = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, [3] = {}, [4] = {}, [5] = {}, [6] = {}, [7] = {}, [8] = {}, } -- PROTO: HOLY SHIT THIS SUCKS, MAKES A FUNCTION EVERY FRAME, AND RUNS EVERY FRAME!!! local inv = self:INV_Get() local function BucketSorter(a, b) return (inv[b[1]]["Acquisition"] + (b[2]*10000)) > (inv[a[1]]["Acquisition"] + (a[2]*10000)) end for i, bucket in ipairs( inventorylist ) do local temp = {} for id, data in pairs( inv ) do local idata = WeaponGet(data.Class) local translated = translat[idata.Category] if i == translated[1] then table.insert( temp, { id, translated[2] } ) end end table.sort( temp, BucketSorter ) for i, v in ipairs( temp ) do table.insert( bucket, v[1] ) end end return inventorylist end function PT:INV_ListFromBuckets() local buckets = self:INV_Buckets() local complete = {} for n, bucket in ipairs( buckets ) do for i, v in ipairs( bucket ) do table.insert( complete, v ) end end return complete end end -- weapon select hook.Add("StartCommand", "Benny_INV_StartCommand", function( ply, cmd ) -- local wep = ply:BennyCheck() -- if wep then -- local hand = wep:GetTempHandedness() -- local inv = ply:INV_Get() -- local inv_bucketlist = ply:INV_ListFromBuckets() -- local inv_bucketlist_flipped = table.Flip( inv_bucketlist ) -- if CLIENT and ply.CLIENTDESIRE and inv[ply.CLIENTDESIRE ] and inv_bucketlist_flipped[ ply.CLIENTDESIRE ] then -- cmd:SetUpMove( inv_bucketlist_flipped[ ply.CLIENTDESIRE ] ) -- end -- if CLIENT and (wep:bGetInvID( hand ) == ply.CLIENTDESIRE) then -- ply.CLIENTDESIRE = 0 -- print("Fixed") -- end -- local id = cmd:GetUpMove() -- if id > 0 and inv_bucketlist[id] and inv[inv_bucketlist[id]] then -- wep:BDeploy( hand, inv_bucketlist[ id ] ) -- end -- end end) -- cmd:KeyDown( IN_WEAPON1 ) -- cmd:KeyDown( IN_WEAPON2 ) -- cmd:KeyDown( IN_BULLRUSH ) -- cmd:KeyDown( IN_GRENADE1 ) -- cmd:KeyDown( IN_GRENADE2 )