--------------------- -- Your Name is Benny --------------------- if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString( "Benny_DebugMenuSpawn" ) net.Receive( "Benny_DebugMenuSpawn", function( len, ply ) if !ply:IsAdmin() then return end local ent = ents.Create( "b-item_" .. net.ReadString() ) ent:Spawn() local TRACE = ply:GetEyeTrace() local thespawnpos = TRACE.HitPos thespawnpos:Add( TRACE.HitNormal * 16 ) local WORLDAA, WORLDBB = ent:GetCollisionBounds() local tr = util.TraceHull( { start = thespawnpos, endpos = thespawnpos - (vector_up*32), mins = WORLDAA, maxs = WORLDBB, collisiongroup = COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON, }) thespawnpos:Set( tr.HitPos ) ent:SetPos( thespawnpos ) --[[local WORLDAA, WORLDBB = ent:GetCollisionBounds() local WORLDC = ent:WorldSpaceCenter() local TRACE = ply:GetEyeTrace() local thespawnpos = TRACE.HitPos thespawnpos:Add( WORLDC/2 ) thespawnpos:Add( ((WORLDBB * TRACE.HitNormal) - (WORLDAA * TRACE.HitNormal)) ) ent:SetPos( thespawnpos )]] debugoverlay.Box( thespawnpos, WORLDAA, WORLDBB, 4, Color( 255, 255, 255, 0) ) end) return end local function dospawn( self ) net.Start( "Benny_DebugMenuSpawn" ) net.WriteString( self.iName ) net.SendToServer() DebugMenu:Remove() return end local function OpenDebugMenu() if IsValid(DebugMenu) then DebugMenu:Remove() end DebugMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") DebugMenu:SetSize( 600, 500 ) DebugMenu:Center() DebugMenu:MakePopup() DebugMenu:SetKeyboardInputEnabled( false ) DebugMenu:SetSizable(true) local splitter = DebugMenu:Add("DHorizontalDivider") splitter:Dock( FILL ) splitter:SetLeftWidth(200) local opt = DebugMenu:Add("DScrollPanel") --opt:Dock( FILL ) splitter:SetLeft( opt ) local vsplit = DebugMenu:Add("DVerticalDivider") splitter:SetRight( vsplit ) vsplit:SetTopHeight( 500/2 ) local texter = DebugMenu:Add("DTextEntry") texter:SetFont( "HUD_24" ) texter:SetMultiline( true ) vsplit:SetBottom( texter ) local matColor = Material( "models/debug/debugwhite" ) local modeller = DebugMenu:Add("DModelPanel") do vsplit:SetTop( modeller ) modeller:SetModel( "models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl" ) modeller:SetFOV( 5 ) local original = Vector( 0, 50, 0 ) modeller:SetCamPos( original ) modeller:SetLookAt( vector_origin ) function modeller:LayoutEntity( ent ) ent:SetPos( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) ent:SetAngles( Angle( 0, 0 * RealTime() * 10 % 360, 0 ) ) return end modeller:SetAmbientLight( HSLToColor( 0, 0, 1.00 ) ) modeller:SetDirectionalLight(BOX_TOP, HSLToColor( 0, 0, 1.00 ) ) modeller:SetDirectionalLight(BOX_FRONT, HSLToColor( 0, 0, 1.00 ) ) modeller:SetDirectionalLight(BOX_RIGHT, HSLToColor( 0, 0, 1.00 ) ) function modeller:Update( mdl ) if self.Entity:GetModel() == mdl then return end self.Entity:SetModel( mdl ) local worked = self.Entity:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) if worked then -- Factors the USP's bodygroup suppressor for some reason. Great local mins, maxs = self.Entity:GetCollisionBounds() local wsc = Vector() wsc:Add( mins ) wsc:Add( maxs ) wsc:Div( 2 ) self:SetLookAt( wsc ) self:SetCamPos( wsc+original ) -- local HFOV = 45-5 -- local hfovRad = HFOV * math.pi / 180 -- local vfovRad = 2*math.atan(math.tan(hfovRad/2)*(self:GetTall()/self:GetWide())) -- local VFOV = math.ceil(vfovRad* 180 / math.pi) local directionAngCos = math.cos( math.rad(5/2) ) -- scale test if true then for i=1, 50 do local S1, S2 = false, false local aimVector = (self:GetLookAt() - self:GetCamPos()):GetNormalized() do -- test 1, mins local entVector = mins - self:GetCamPos() local angCos = aimVector:Dot(entVector) / entVector:Length() S1 = (angCos >= directionAngCos) end do -- test 2: maxs local entVector = maxs - self:GetCamPos() local angCos = aimVector:Dot(entVector) / entVector:Length() S2 = (angCos >= directionAngCos) end if S1 and S2 then self.indicate = "took " .. i self.vCamPos:Add( Vector( 0, 20, 0 ) ) --self.vLookatPos:Add( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) --self.vLookatPos:Set( (mins+maxs)/2 ) break else self.indicate = "failed" self.vCamPos:Sub( (aimVector*20) ) end end end else self.indicate = false self:SetLookAt( vector_origin ) self:SetCamPos( original ) end self.Failed = !worked end local material = Material( "sprites/splodesprite" ) function modeller:Paint1( w, h ) if ( !IsValid( self.Entity ) ) then return end local x, y = self:LocalToScreen( 0, 0 ) self:LayoutEntity( self.Entity ) local ang = self.aLookAngle if ( !ang ) then ang = ( self.vLookatPos - self.vCamPos ):Angle() end cam.Start3D( self.vCamPos, ang, self.fFOV, x, y, w, h, 5, self.FarZ ) render.SuppressEngineLighting( true ) render.SetLightingOrigin( vector_origin ) render.ResetModelLighting( self.colAmbientLight.r / 255, self.colAmbientLight.g / 255, self.colAmbientLight.b / 255 ) render.SetColorModulation( self.colColor.r / 255, self.colColor.g / 255, self.colColor.b / 255 ) render.SetBlend( ( self:GetAlpha() / 255 ) * ( self.colColor.a / 255 ) ) -- * surface.GetAlphaMultiplier() for i = 0, 6 do local col = self.DirectionalLight[ i ] if ( col ) then render.SetModelLighting( i, col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255 ) end end render.MaterialOverride(matColor) self:DrawModel() render.MaterialOverride() local mins, maxs = self.Entity:GetCollisionBounds() -- render.SetColorMaterial() -- render.DrawSphere( mins, .5, 30, 30, Color( 255, 0, 0 ) ) -- render.DrawSphere( maxs, .5, 30, 30, Color( 0, 0, 255 ) ) -- render.DrawWireframeBox( vector_origin, angle_zero, mins, maxs, Color( 0, 0, 0, 127 )) render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) cam.End3D() self.LastPaint = RealTime() end function modeller:Paint( w, h ) surface.SetDrawColor( color_black ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h ) self:Paint1( w, h ) if self.Failed then draw.SimpleText("Failed physinit, not cached?", "HUD_36", w/2, h/2, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end -- if self.indicate then -- draw.SimpleText(self.indicate, "HUD_36", w/2, h/2 + 48, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- end end end local categories = {} for iname, idata in SortedPairs( ITEMS ) do if idata.Category == "base" then continue end if !categories[idata.Category] then local cate = opt:Add("DCollapsibleCategory") cate:Dock(TOP) cate:SetLabel(idata.Category) local plist = vgui.Create("DPanelList") cate:SetContents(plist) categories[idata.Category] = plist end local plist = categories[idata.Category] local button = plist:Add("DButton") button:Dock( TOP ) button:DockMargin( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) button:SetText( l8( idata.PrintName ) ) button:SetTall(32) button.iName = iname button.iData = idata button.DoClick = dospawn function button:Think() if self:IsHovered() then texter:SetText( l8(idata.Description) .. "\n\nClipsize: " .. (idata.ClipSize or "?") ) modeller:Update( idata.Model ) end end end local button = DebugMenu:Add("DButton") button:Dock( BOTTOM ) button:DockMargin( 4, 4, 4, 4 ) button:SetText( "CLOSE" ) button:SetTall( 36 ) button.DoClick = function( self ) DebugMenu:Remove() end end hook.Add("PlayerButtonDown", "PlayerButtonDown_DebugMenu", function( ply, button ) if button == KEY_F1 then OpenDebugMenu() end end) hook.Add("PlayerButtonUp", "PlayerButtonUp_DebugMenu", function( ply, button ) if button == KEY_F1 then --if IsValid(DebugMenu) then DebugMenu:Remove() end end end)