GM.Name = "Your Name Is Benny" GM.Author = "Fesiug, Oranche, Alex" GM.Email = "N/A" GM.Website = "N/A" BENNY = {} function BENNY.SimpleAutoComplete( cmd, args, ... ) -- just stole it from the wiki local possibleArgs = { ... } local autoCompletes = {} --TODO: Handle "test test" "test test" type arguments args = args:upper() local arg = string.Split( args:TrimLeft(), " " ) local lastItem = nil for i, str in pairs( arg ) do if ( str == "" && ( lastItem && lastItem == "" ) ) then table.remove( arg, i ) end lastItem = str end -- Remove empty entries. Can this be done better? local numArgs = #arg local lastArg = table.remove( arg, numArgs ) local prevArgs = table.concat( arg, " " ) if ( #prevArgs > 0 ) then prevArgs = " " .. prevArgs end local possibilities = possibleArgs[ numArgs ] or { lastArg } for _, acStr in pairs( possibilities ) do if ( !acStr:StartsWith( lastArg ) ) then continue end table.insert( autoCompletes, cmd .. prevArgs .. " " .. acStr ) end return autoCompletes end local AC, IN = AddCSLuaFile, include local CL = SERVER and AddCSLuaFile or include function TSelShared( tbl, seed ) return tbl[math.Round( util.SharedRandom( seed, 1, #tbl ) )] end AC("language.lua") IN("language.lua") AC("camera.lua") IN("camera.lua") AC("items.lua") IN("items.lua") AC("player.lua") IN("player.lua") AC("player_class.lua") IN("player_class.lua") AC("inventory.lua") IN("inventory.lua") AC("gamestate.lua") IN("gamestate.lua") AC("teams.lua") IN("teams.lua") AC("debugmenu.lua") IN("debugmenu.lua") CL("hud.lua")