-- Benny quirk system PERKS = {} CAT_MENTAL = 1 CAT_PHYSICAL = 2 CAT_TRAINING = 3 CAT_OPERATIONAL = 4 PERKS[CAT_MENTAL] = {} PERKS[CAT_PHYSICAL] = {} PERKS[CAT_TRAINING] = {} PERKS[CAT_OPERATIONAL] = {} PERKS[CAT_MENTAL]["overprepared"] = 1 -- Magazines & grenades take less inventory space PERKS[CAT_MENTAL]["resilience"] = 1 -- Near immunity to fall damage PERKS[CAT_MENTAL]["paranoid"] = 2 -- Indicator when being targeted from outside your FoV. PERKS[CAT_MENTAL]["stoic"] = 2 -- Flinch less from damage. PERKS[CAT_MENTAL]["bloodthirsty"] = 2 -- Instantly regenerate health from melee and thrown kills PERKS[CAT_MENTAL]["relentless"] = 3 -- Faster melee swings on a hit. PERKS[CAT_PHYSICAL]["sling"] = 1 -- Hipfire accuracy increase PERKS[CAT_PHYSICAL]["armpadding"] = 2 -- No health damage when blocking blunt melee, but stamina damage still applies PERKS[CAT_PHYSICAL]["stabkevlar"] = 2 -- Half health damage when blocking sharp melee, but stamina damage still applies PERKS[CAT_PHYSICAL]["tacticalgloves"] = 2 -- Switch weapons faster PERKS[CAT_PHYSICAL]["platecarrier"] = 3 -- More inventory slots (+2?) PERKS[CAT_PHYSICAL]["lightweight"] = 3 -- Aim down sights faster. PERKS[CAT_TRAINING]["freerunner"] = 1 -- Faster movement, shorter cooldowns, quicker movement actions. PERKS[CAT_TRAINING]["legday"] = 1 -- Higher vaulting & jumping. PERKS[CAT_TRAINING]["readyup"] = 1 -- Weapon is ready faster after sprinting PERKS[CAT_TRAINING]["hitman"] = 2 -- Take down enemies without revealing their location PERKS[CAT_TRAINING]["athletic"] = 2 -- Infinite sprint PERKS[CAT_TRAINING]["counters"] = 3 -- Perfect blocks on melee damage stuns enemies. PERKS[CAT_OPERATIONAL]["blindeye"] = 1 -- Enemy electronics take much longer to spot you. PERKS[CAT_OPERATIONAL]["scavenger"] = 1 -- Replenish ammo from enemy corpses. PERKS[CAT_OPERATIONAL]["deadsilence"] = 2 -- Move almost quietly. PERKS[CAT_OPERATIONAL]["blastresponse"] = 2 -- Enemies damaged by explosions show up on radar. PERKS[CAT_OPERATIONAL]["offthegrid"] = 3 -- Don't show up on radar PERKS[CAT_OPERATIONAL]["wiretap"] = 3 -- Hack into enemy equipment