local small = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) local smale = -small local moe = Vector( 0, 0, 1/16 ) local dmaxs = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) local dmins = -dmaxs local dcol = Color( 255, 0, 255, 0 ) local dW = Color( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) local dB = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) local dS = Color( 255, 0, 0, 0 ) local dC = Color( 0, 0, 255, 0 ) hook.Add( "PlayerTick", "Benny_PlayerTick", function( ply, mv ) if ply:GetVaultTransition() == 0 then ply:SetVaultDebuff( math.Approach( ply:GetVaultDebuff(), 0, FrameTime()/0.4 ) ) end end) hook.Add( "SetupMove", "Benny_SetupMove", function( ply, mv, cmd ) if !ply:OnGround() and mv:KeyDown( IN_DUCK ) then local newbuttons = bit.band(mv:GetButtons(), bit.bnot(IN_DUCK)) mv:SetButtons(newbuttons) end end) local function Vault_GetAngle( ply, pos, ang, vel ) return true end local VAULTCHECKDIST = 16 local VAULTMOVEDIST = 16 local MAXVAULTHEIGHT = 66 local MAXVAULTHEIGHT_V = Vector( 0, 0, MAXVAULTHEIGHT ) hook.Add( "Move", "Benny_Move", function( ply, mv ) local ang = mv:GetMoveAngles() local pos = mv:GetOrigin() local vel = mv:GetVelocity() local forw, side = mv:GetForwardSpeed(), mv:GetSideSpeed() local ba, bb = ply:GetHull() if ply:Crouching() then ba, bb = ply:GetHullDuck() end local WishDir = Vector( forw, -side, 0 ):GetNormalized() WishDir:Rotate( Angle( 0, ang.y, 0 ) ) local Target = Vector( pos ) local TargetNor = Vector() if !WishDir:IsZero() then TargetNor:Set( WishDir ) elseif vel:Length2D() > 100 then local NoZ = Vector( vel ) NoZ.z = 0 NoZ:Normalize() TargetNor:Set( NoZ ) else local NoUp = Angle( ang ) NoUp.p = 0 TargetNor = NoUp:Forward() end local CR = HSVToColor( math.Rand( 0, 360 ), 1, 1 ) CR.a = 8 --debugoverlay.Box( Target, ba, bb, 0, CR ) local Checker = Target + TargetNor*VAULTCHECKDIST local Desire = Target + TargetNor*VAULTMOVEDIST local T1 = util.TraceHull( { start = Target, endpos = Checker, mins = ba, maxs = bb, filter = ply, } ) debugoverlay.Line( T1.StartPos, T1.HitPos, 0, T1.Hit and CR or color_white ) if CLIENT then vaultsave = false end if T1.Hit then -- A challenger approaches -- How tall is it, basically? We still need to do a ledge check local T2 = util.TraceHull( { start = Desire + MAXVAULTHEIGHT_V, endpos = Desire, mins = ba, maxs = bb, filter = ply, } ) -- debugoverlay.Box( T2.HitPos, ba, bb, 0, CR ) -- Let's check our vertical clearance local Clearance = Vector( Target.x, Target.y, T2.HitPos.z ) local T3 = util.TraceHull( { start = Target, endpos = Clearance, mins = ba, maxs = bb, filter = ply, } ) -- debugoverlay.SweptBox( T3.StartPos, T3.HitPos, ba, bb, angle_zero, 0, CR ) local VertClearance = T3.HitPos.z - T3.StartPos.z -- If we try to go so high and it's TOO high then give up if VertClearance != MAXVAULTHEIGHT then -- Trace from clearance to final local T4 = util.TraceHull( { start = T3.HitPos, endpos = T2.HitPos, mins = ba, maxs = bb, filter = ply, } ) -- debugoverlay.SweptBox( T4.StartPos, T4.HitPos, ba, bb, angle_zero, 0, CR ) local Compare1, Compare2 = Vector( Target.x, Target.y, 0 ), Vector( T4.HitPos.x, T4.HitPos.y, 0 ) if !Compare1:IsEqualTol( Compare2, 1/16 ) then if CLIENT then vaultsave = true end if mv:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) then mv:SetOrigin( T4.HitPos ) return true end end end end --debugoverlay.Box( Target+(TargetNor*16), ba, bb, 0, CR ) end)