--------------------- -- Your Name is Benny --------------------- local PT = FindMetaTable("Player") function PT:GetItems() return end InventoryMeta = {} function InventoryMeta:Destroy() local p = self[0].Owner p.Inventory = nil p:GetInventory() end function InventoryMeta:BugCheck() for i, v in pairs(self) do if i != 0 and !i:IsValid() then self[i] = nil end end end function InventoryMeta:GetWeighted() local itemlist = {} for i, v in pairs(self) do if i == 0 then continue end table.insert( itemlist, i ) end table.sort( itemlist, function( a, b ) return a:GetAcquisition() < b:GetAcquisition() end) return itemlist end function InventoryMeta:Sync() if SERVER then net.Start("AEINV_InvSync") local count = table.Count( self )-1 -- The header is included net.WriteUInt( count, 8 ) for key, _ in pairs( self ) do if key == 0 then continue end net.WriteEntity( key ) end net.Send( self[0].Owner ) end end InventoryMeta.__index = InventoryMeta function PT:GetInventory() if !self.Inventory then print("Creating new inventory for", self) self.Inventory = {} self.Inventory[0] = { Owner = self } setmetatable( self.Inventory, InventoryMeta ) if SERVER then for i, v in pairs( self:GetChildren() ) do if v.AEItem then print( "Regen, adding", v, "to inventory") self.Inventory[v] = true end end self.Inventory:Sync() end end self.Inventory:BugCheck() return self.Inventory end gameevent.Listen( "OnRequestFullUpdate" ) hook.Add( "OnRequestFullUpdate", "OnRequestFullUpdate_example", function( data ) local name = data.name // Same as Player:Nick() local steamid = data.networkid // Same as Player:SteamID() local id = data.userid // Same as Player:UserID() local index = data.index // Same as Entity:EntIndex() minus one if SERVER then Player(id):GetInventory():Sync() end end ) if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString("AEINV_InvSync") else net.Receive("AEINV_InvSync", function() print("Destroyed old inventory") local p = LocalPlayer() p.Inventory = nil if p.GetInventory then local inv = p:GetInventory() local count = net.ReadUInt(8) for i=1, count do local key = net.ReadEntity() print( "Added", key) inv[key] = true end else print("Asked for inventory too early!!") end end) end do local qt2 = { ["slot1"] = 1, ["slot2"] = 2, ["slot3"] = 3, ["slot4"] = 4, ["slot5"] = 5, ["slot6"] = 6, ["slot7"] = 7, ["slot8"] = 8, ["slot9"] = 9, ["slot0"] = 0, } local qt = { ["invprev"] = -1, ["invnext"] = 1, } hook.Add( "PlayerBindPress", "Benny_PlayerBindPress_Original", function( ply, bind, pressed, code ) if qt2[bind] then local Num = qt2[bind] if pressed then local inv = ply:GetInventory():GetWeighted() local wep = ply:HandlerCheck() local invf = table.Flip( inv ) local NumOfActive = 0 NumOfActive = invf[wep:GetDesireR()] if Num == NumOfActive then Num = 0 end input.SelectWeapon( ply:GetWeapon("goat_"..Num) ) end return true end if qt[bind] then if pressed then local Num = 0 local inv = ply:GetInventory():GetWeighted() local wep = ply:HandlerCheck() local invf = table.Flip( inv ) local invc = #inv Num = wep:GetDesireR() and invf[wep:GetDesireR()] or 0 Num = Num + qt[bind] if Num > invc then Num = 0 elseif Num < 0 then Num = invc end input.SelectWeapon( ply:GetWeapon("goat_"..Num) ) end return true end end) end -- breaks GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD and I can't fucking have that hook.Add("DoAnimationEvent", "Benny_DoAnimationEvent_FixAnimations", function( ply, event, data ) return ACT_INVALID end) hook.Add( "PlayerSwitchWeapon", "Benny_PlayerSwitchWeapon_Goat", function( ply, old, ent ) if ent.BennyItemHandler then return true end -- what happened? local wep = ply:HandlerCheck() if !wep then print("PlayerSwitchWeapon Benny Handler Missing!!") return false end if ent:IsValid() and ent.Goat then local inv = ply:GetInventory():GetWeighted() if ent.Goat == 0 then wep:SetDesireR( NULL ) return false end local ent = inv[ent.Goat] if ent then wep:SetDesireR( ent ) end end return false end) for i=0, 9 do local tent = {} --tent.Base = "goat" tent.Goat = i weapons.Register( tent, "goat_" .. i ) end