--------------------- -- Your Name is Benny --------------------- -- Stack related local function xy( x, y ) return {x, y} end local function hXY( x, y ) local rx, ry = 0, 0 for key, value in ipairs(stack) do rx = rx + value[1] ry = ry + value[2] end if x then rx = rx + x end if y then ry = ry + y end return rx, ry end local function S_Push( x, y ) stack:Push( xy( x, y ) ) end local function S_Pop( x, y ) stack:Pop() end local function hCol( r, g, b, a ) return surface.SetDrawColor( r, g, b, a ) end local function hRect( x, y, w, h ) gx, gy = hXY() x = (x or 0) + gx y = (y or 0) + gy surface.DrawRect( x, y, w, h ) end local function hRRect( x, y, w, h, r ) gx, gy = hXY() x = (x or 0) + gx y = (y or 0) + gy draw.RoundedBox( r, x, y, w, h, surface.GetDrawColor() ) end local function hTRect( x, y, w, h ) gx, gy = hXY() x = (x or 0) + gx y = (y or 0) + gy surface.DrawTexturedRect( x, y, w, h ) end local function hTrRect( x, y, w, h, d ) gx, gy = hXY() x = (x or 0) + gx y = (y or 0) + gy surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( x, y, w, h, d ) end local function hORect( x, y, w, h, r ) gx, gy = hXY() x = (x or 0) + gx y = (y or 0) + gy surface.DrawOutlinedRect( x, y, w, h, r ) end local function hScis( x, y, w, h ) gx, gy = hXY() x = (x or 0) + gx y = (y or 0) + gy render.SetScissorRect( x, y, x+w, y+h, true ) end local function hScisoff() render.SetScissorRect( 0, 0, 0, 0, false ) end local sizes = { 8, 10, 16, 24, 36, 48 } local function regenfonts() for index, scale in ipairs( sizes ) do surface.CreateFont("HUD_" .. scale, { font = "Carbon Plus Bold", size = scale, weight = 0, extended = false, italic = false, antialias = true, }) end end regenfonts() -- local COLOR_DARK = Color( 40, 40, 80 ) -- local COLOR_BRIGHT = Color( 80, 80, 160 ) -- local COLOR_MAIN = Color( 160, 160, 240 ) local COLOR_DARK = Color( 54, 44, 39 ) local COLOR_BRIGHT = Color( 94, 84, 79 ) local COLOR_MAIN = Color( 255, 238, 169 ) local show_letters = { { "q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y" }, { "a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h" }, { "shift", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n" }, { "ctrl", "alt", "space" }, } local translate_letters = { ["e"] = "weapon 1", ["q"] = "weapon 2", ["c"] = "grenade 1", ["z"] = "grenade 2", ["r"] = "alt 1", ["t"] = "alt 2", ["x"] = "bullrush", ["shift"] = "speed", } local xhair_dot = Material( "benny/hud/xhair/dotx.png", "mips smooth" ) local xhair_dot_shadow = Material( "benny/hud/xhair/dot_s.png", "mips smooth" ) local function commoncode( set ) for index, letter in ipairs( set ) do local lettercode = input.GetKeyCode( letter ) local keydown = input.IsKeyDown( lettercode ) local thecolor = keydown and COLOR_MAIN or COLOR_DARK local fakecolor = ColorAlpha( COLOR_BRIGHT, 60 ) hCol( fakecolor ) hRect( (index-1)*(60+4), 0, 60, 40, 2 ) hCol( thecolor ) hORect( (index-1)*(60+4), 0, 60, 40, 2 ) local x, y = hXY( (index-1)*(60+4) + 30, 20+3 ) draw.SimpleText( letter:upper(), "HUD_36", x, y, thecolor, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) local tlated = translate_letters[letter] if tlated then local x, y = hXY( (index-1)*(60+4) + 30, 20 + 6 ) draw.SimpleText( tlated, "HUD_16", x, y, thecolor, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end end local fmlookup = { [1] = "SEMI", [math.huge] = "AUTO", } -- Drawing function GM:HUDPaint() local p = LocalPlayer() local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local handler = p:HandlerCheck() stack = util.Stack() -- S_Push( math.random( -4, 4 ), math.random( -4, 4 ) ) S_Push( 20, h - 20 - 64 ) hCol( COLOR_DARK ) hRRect( 0, 0, 328, 64, 8 ) local x, y = hXY( 6, 0 ) draw.SimpleText( "BENNY", "HUD_48", x, y, COLOR_MAIN ) hCol( COLOR_MAIN ) hRect( 8, 8, (320-4-4) * p:GetHealth_Blood()/1000, 40-4-4 ) hCol( COLOR_DARK ) hORect( 8+1, 8+1, (320-4-4)-2, 40-4-4-2, 1 ) hCol( COLOR_MAIN ) hScis( 8, 8, (320-4-4) * p:GetHealth_Blood()/1000, 40-4-4 ) local x, y = hXY( 10, 4 ) draw.SimpleText( "BENNY", "HUD_48", x, y, COLOR_DARK ) hScisoff() local slen = (320-4-4-4-4-4) hCol( COLOR_MAIN ) hRect( 8, 44, slen*0.25, 12 ) hRect( 8 + (slen*0.25+4), 44, slen*0.25, 12 ) hRect( 8 + (slen*0.25+4)*2, 44, slen*0.25, 12 ) hRect( 8 + (slen*0.25+4)*3, 44, slen*0.25, 12 ) hCol( COLOR_DARK ) hORect( 8+1, 44+1, slen*0.25 - 2, 12-2, 1 ) hORect( 8+1 + (slen*0.25+4), 44+1, slen*0.25 - 2, 12-2, 1 ) hORect( 8+1 + (slen*0.25+4)*2, 44+1, slen*0.25 - 2, 12-2, 1 ) hORect( 8+1 + (slen*0.25+4)*3, 44+1, slen*0.25 - 2, 12-2, 1 ) S_Pop() if handler then S_Push( 20, 20 ) for i, v in ipairs( p:GetInventory():GetWeighted() ) do hCol( v == handler:GetActiveR() and COLOR_BRIGHT or COLOR_DARK ) hRect( (i-1)*(120+10), 0, 120, 60 ) local x, y = hXY( (i-1)*(120+10), 0 ) draw.SimpleText( l8( v.Class.PrintName ), "HUD_24", x + 120/2, y + 60/2 - (10), COLOR_MAIN, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) if v.GetClip2 then draw.SimpleText( v:GetClip2() .. "/" .. v.Class.ClipSize2, "HUD_16", x + 10, y + 60/2 + (4), COLOR_MAIN, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end if v.GetClip then local drawer = "" drawer = drawer .. v:GetClip() drawer = drawer .. "/" drawer = drawer .. v.Class.ClipSize draw.SimpleText( drawer, "HUD_16", x + 10, y + 60/2 + (16), COLOR_MAIN, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.SimpleText( v:GetFiremode(), "HUD_16", x + 120 - 10, y + 60/2 + (16), COLOR_MAIN, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end S_Pop() local wep = handler:GetActiveR() if wep and wep.GetClip then local Bw, Bh = 328, 160 S_Push( w - 20 - Bw, h - 20 - Bh ) hCol( COLOR_DARK ) hRRect( 0, 0, Bw, Bh, 8 ) hCol( COLOR_MAIN ) local leng = Bw-8-8 hRect( 8, 8, leng-70, 26 ) hRect( 8 + leng - 70 + 4, 8, leng-(leng-70)-4, 26 ) local x, y = hXY( 12, 6 ) draw.SimpleText( l8( wep.Class.PrintName ), "HUD_36", x, y, COLOR_DARK ) local x, y = hXY( 10 + (leng - 70) + 70/2, 11 ) local bc = wep.Class.BurstCount draw.SimpleText( fmlookup[bc] or bc .. "RND", "HUD_24", x, y, COLOR_DARK, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) S_Push( Bw - 8 - 8, Bh - 18 - 8 ) for i=0, wep.Class.ClipSize-1 do if wep:GetClip() >= (i+1) then hCol( COLOR_MAIN ) hRect( (0 - 8 - 2)*i, 0, 8, 18 ) hCol( COLOR_DARK ) hRect( (0 - 8 - 2)*i, 14, 8, 2 ) else hCol( COLOR_BRIGHT ) hORect( (0 - 8 - 2)*i, 0, 8, 18 ) --hORect( (0 - 8 - 2)*i+1, 1, 8-2, 18-2 ) end end S_Pop() S_Pop() end end if false then S_Push( 20, h - (20 + 40 + 4 + 40 + 4 + 40) ) S_Push( 0, 0 ) commoncode( show_letters[1] ) S_Pop() S_Push( 18, 40+4 ) commoncode( show_letters[2] ) S_Pop() S_Push( 18+24 - (40+24), 40+4+40+4 ) commoncode( show_letters[3] ) S_Pop() S_Push( 0, 40+4+40+4+40+4 ) commoncode( show_letters[4] ) S_Pop() S_Pop() end --local itemcheck = handler:ItemCheckTrace() -- Hints if true then S_Push( w - 20, 20 ) local hints = {} table.insert( hints, { "[SHIFT]", "DIVE" } ) table.insert( hints, { "", "INTO PRONE", "HOLD" } ) if handler:ItemR() then table.insert( hints, { "", "- - - - - - - - - - - -" } ) table.insert( hints, { "[M1]", "FIRE" } ) table.insert( hints, { "[C]", "FIREMODE" } ) table.insert( hints, { "[E]", "THROW" } ) table.insert( hints, { "[R]", "RELOAD" } ) table.insert( hints, { "", "RETAIN MAG", "HOLD" } ) --elseif itemcheck.Entity:IsValid() and itemcheck.Entity.BennyItem then -- table.insert( hints, { "", "- - - - - - - - - - - -" } ) -- table.insert( hints, { "[E]", "PICK UP" } ) end local x, y = hXY( 0, 0 ) for i, v in ipairs( hints ) do draw.SimpleText( v[1], "HUD_24", x - 150 + 1, y + (24*(i-1)) + 1, COLOR_DARK, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.SimpleText( v[2], "HUD_24", x + 1, y + (24*(i-1)) + 1, COLOR_DARK, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ) if v[3] then draw.SimpleText( v[3], "HUD_16", x - 150 + 1, y+3 + (24*(i-1)) + 1, COLOR_DARK, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end for i, v in ipairs( hints ) do draw.SimpleText( v[1], "HUD_24", x - 150, y + (24*(i-1)), COLOR_MAIN, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.SimpleText( v[2], "HUD_24", x, y + (24*(i-1)), COLOR_MAIN, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ) if v[3] then draw.SimpleText( v[3], "HUD_16", x - 150, y+3 + (24*(i-1)), COLOR_MAIN, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end S_Pop() end -- S_Pop() local trac = p:GetEyeTrace().HitPos:ToScreen() local trac2 = util.TraceLine( { start = CamSpot(), endpos = CamSpot() + TPSOverride:Forward()*(2^16), filter = p, } ).HitPos:ToScreen() for i=1, 2 do local shadowtime = i==1 local traac = shadowtime and trac2 or trac local cx, cy = math.Round(traac.x), math.Round(traac.y) S_Push( cx, cy ) local lol = shadowtime and 0 or 255 surface.SetDrawColor( lol, lol, lol ) surface.SetMaterial( shadowtime and xhair_dot_shadow or xhair_dot ) hTrRect( 0, 0, 64, 64, 0 ) S_Pop() end if stack:Size() != 0 then print("Stack unfinished.") end return end -- Not drawing local hide = { ["CHudHealth"] = true, ["CHudBattery"] = true, ["CHudAmmo"] = true, ["CHudSecondaryAmmo"] = true, ["CHudDamageIndicator"] = true, ["CHudCloseCaption"] = true, ["CHudCrosshair"] = true, ["CHudSuitPower"] = true, ["CHUDQuickInfo"] = true, ["CHudZoom"] = true, } function GM:HUDShouldDraw( name ) if hide[ name ] then return false else return true end end