function SWEP:Spread() local spread = self:GetBubbleSpread() spread = Lerp( spread, self.SpreadStart, self.SpreadEnd ) return spread end function SWEP:PrimaryAttack( mine ) if self:GetDelay() > CurTime() then return false end if self:GetDelayReload() > CurTime() then return false end if self:Clip1() == 0 then self:EmitSound( "weapons/clipempty_rifle.wav", 60, 100, 1, CHAN_STATIC ) self:SetDelay( CurTime() + self.Delay ) return false end if self:GetBurstCount() >= self.MaxBurst then return false end self:SetDelay( CurTime() + self.Delay ) self:SetBurstCount( self:GetBurstCount() + 1 ) self:SendAnim( "fire" ) self:SetClip1( self:Clip1() - 1 ) self:EmitSound( self.Sound_Fire[ math.random( 1, #self.Sound_Fire ) ], 80, 100, 1, CHAN_STATIC ) self:EmitSound( self.Sound_Mech[ math.random( 1, #self.Sound_Mech ) ], 60, 100, 0.125, CHAN_BODY ) local dir = self:GetOwner():EyeAngles() local newdir = Vector() local spread = math.rad( self:Spread() ) do local radius = util.SharedRandom("CNR_WepRand1_" .. 1, 0, 1 ) local theta = util.SharedRandom("CNR_WepRand2_" .. 1, 0, math.rad(360) ) local x = radius * math.sin(theta) local y = radius * math.cos(theta) newdir:Set( dir:Forward() + (dir:Right() * spread * x) + (dir:Up() * spread * y) ) end self:FireBullets( { Attacker = self:GetOwner(), Tracer = 1, Damage = self.DamageClose, Force = 1, Num = 1, Dir = newdir, Spread = vector_origin, Src = self:GetOwner():EyePos(), Callback = function( attacker, tr, dmginfo ) end }) do if ( !game.SinglePlayer() and CLIENT and IsFirstTimePredicted() ) then local recoil = {} recoil.up = util.SharedRandom( "CNR_WepRecoil", -1, 1 ) * self.RecoilUp recoil.speed = math.max( 1, self.RecoilSpeed ) -- how much to move in a second recoil.dist = Lerp( self:GetBubbleRecoil(), self.RecoilDistStart, self.RecoilDistEnd ) -- total distance to travel --recoil.up2 = recoil.up + 180 --recoil.speed2 = recoil.speed * 0.25 --recoil.dist2 = recoil.dist table.insert( self.RecoilTable, recoil ) end end return true end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() return true end