GM.Name = "Cops 'n Robbers" GM.Author = "Fesiug" GM.Email = "" GM.Website = "" GM.TeamBased = true AddCSLuaFile("cl_hud.lua") if CLIENT then include ("cl_hud.lua") end AddCSLuaFile("player_class_cnr.lua") include ("player_class_cnr.lua") function GM:Initialize() -- Do stuff end function GM:OnDamagedByExplosion( ply, dmginfo ) -- ply:SetDSP( 35, false ) end function GM:PlayerCanJoinTeam( ply, teamid ) local TimeBetweenSwitches = 0.5 if ( ply.LastTeamSwitch && RealTime() - ply.LastTeamSwitch < TimeBetweenSwitches ) then ply.LastTeamSwitch = ply.LastTeamSwitch + 0.5 ply:ChatPrint( Format( "Please wait %i more seconds before trying to change team again", ( TimeBetweenSwitches - ( RealTime() - ply.LastTeamSwitch ) ) + 1 ) ) return false end if ( ply:Team() == teamid ) then ply:ChatPrint( "You're already on that team" ) return false end return true end -- Write this so at the end of a round you can shittalk local sv_alltalk = GetConVar( "sv_alltalk" ) function GM:PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice( pListener, pTalker ) local alltalk = sv_alltalk:GetInt() if ( alltalk >= 1 ) then return true, alltalk == 2 end return pListener:Team() == pTalker:Team(), false end function GM:PlayerShouldTaunt( ply, actid ) return false end function GM:AllowPlayerPickup( ply, object ) return false end function GM:PlayerDeathSound() return true end function GM:CreateTeams() TEAM_SIDEA = 1 team.SetUp( TEAM_SIDEA, "Side A", Color( 200, 200, 255 ) ) team.SetSpawnPoint( TEAM_SIDEA, "info_player_counterterrorist" ) TEAM_SIDEB = 2 team.SetUp( TEAM_SIDEB, "Side B", Color( 255, 200, 200 ) ) team.SetSpawnPoint( TEAM_SIDEB, "info_player_terrorist" ) team.SetSpawnPoint( TEAM_SPECTATOR, "worldspawn" ) end function GM:ScalePlayerDamage( ply, hitgroup, dmginfo ) -- More damage if we're shot in the head if ( hitgroup == HITGROUP_HEAD ) then dmginfo:ScaleDamage( 2 ) end end function GM:PlayerSpawn( p, transition ) player_manager.SetPlayerClass( p, "player_cnr" ) if ( self.TeamBased and ( p:Team() == TEAM_SPECTATOR or p:Team() == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) ) then self:PlayerSpawnAsSpectator( p ) return end p:UnSpectate() p:SetSlowWalkSpeed( 190 ) p:SetWalkSpeed( 320 ) p:SetRunSpeed( 320 ) if ( !transition ) then GAMEMODE:PlayerLoadout( p ) end GAMEMODE:PlayerSetModel( p ) p:SetupHands() end function GM:PlayerLoadout( p ) if p:Team() == TEAM_SIDEA then p:Give("cnr_m4a1") p:Give("cnr_usp") elseif p:Team() == TEAM_SIDEB then p:Give("cnr_ak47") p:Give("cnr_glock") end return true end function GM:PlayerSetModel( p ) if p:Team() == TEAM_SIDEA then p:SetModel( "models/player/combine_soldier.mdl" ) elseif p:Team() == TEAM_SIDEB then p:SetModel( "models/player/group03/male_07.mdl" ) end end concommand.Add( "cnr_cheat_weapons", function( p ) p:Give( "cnr_ak47" ) p:Give( "cnr_glock" ) p:Give( "cnr_m4a1" ) p:Give( "cnr_m4s90" ) p:Give( "cnr_m249" ) p:Give( "cnr_mac10" ) p:Give( "cnr_mossberg" ) p:Give( "cnr_mp5" ) p:Give( "cnr_p220" ) p:Give( "cnr_usp" ) end) -- Include module loader here