att.PrintName = "Prototype Triangular Handguard" if GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then att.PrintName = "M16A1 Triangular Handguard" end att.AbbrevName = "Triangular Handguard" att.Icon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ud_m16_hg_triangle.png", "smooth mips") att.Description = "Classic handguard issued with the rifle's original models.\nIn comparison to the modern \"ribbed\" handguard, it is more comfortable to hold but prone to slipping." att.Slot = "ud_m16_hg" att.AutoStats = true att.Mult_RecoilSide = 1.35 att.Mult_SightTime = 0.9 att.Mult_HipDispersion = 0.9 att.LHIK = true att.Model = "models/weapons/arccw/atts/classic_lhik.mdl" att.DroppedModel = "models/items/boxsrounds.mdl" att.ModelOffset = (Vector(0.41, 0, -1.63) - Vector(11.5, 2.8, -4.2)) att.ActivateElements = {"hg_m16a1"} att.GivesFlags = {"hg_no11"} att.ExcludeFlags = {"blen_11"}