SWEP.Base = "arccw_base" SWEP.Spawnable = true SWEP.Category = "ArcCW - Urban Coalition" SWEP.UC_CategoryPack = "1Urban Decay" SWEP.AdminOnly = false SWEP.UseHands = true -- Effects -- SWEP.MuzzleEffect = "muzzleflash_1" SWEP.ShellEffect = "arccw_uc_shelleffect" SWEP.ShellModel = "models/weapons/arccw/uc_shells/556x45.mdl" SWEP.ShellScale = 0.666 --SWEP.ShellMaterial = "models/weapons/arcticcw/shell_556" SWEP.ShellPitch = 100 SWEP.MuzzleEffectAttachment = 1 SWEP.CaseEffectAttachment = 2 SWEP.CamAttachment = 3 SWEP.TracerNum = 1 SWEP.TracerCol = Color(25, 255, 25) SWEP.TracerWidth = 2 -- Fake name -- SWEP.PrintName = "Patriot 809" -- True name -- SWEP.TrueName = "Mini-14" -- Trivia -- SWEP.Trivia_Class = "Semi-Automatic Rifle" SWEP.Trivia_Desc = [[Autoloading rifle designed for better accuracy than competing models. Due to its appearance, it is sometimes exempted from gun control laws targeting "Assault Weapons" despite its identical ability to kill. This has helped it find success despite its higher cost and non-standard magazine well. While it can perform well in close-quarters combat, its high accuracy excels in mid-range engagements.]] SWEP.Trivia_Manufacturer = "Rifles International" SWEP.Trivia_Calibre = "5.56x45mm NATO" SWEP.Trivia_Mechanism = "Gas-Operated Rotating Bolt" SWEP.Trivia_Country = "USA" SWEP.Trivia_Year = 1973 -- Weapon slot -- SWEP.Slot = 2 -- Weapon's manufacturer real name -- if GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then SWEP.PrintName = SWEP.TrueName SWEP.Trivia_Manufacturer = "Sturm, Ruger & Company" end -- Viewmodel / Worldmodel / FOV -- SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/arccw/c_ud_mini14.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/arccw/c_ud_mini14.mdl" SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 70 SWEP.AnimShoot = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_AR2 SWEP.DefaultSkin = 0 SWEP.DefaultPoseParams = {["grip"] = 0} -- Damage -- SWEP.Damage = ArcCW.UC.StdDmg["556"].max SWEP.DamageMin = ArcCW.UC.StdDmg["556"].min SWEP.RangeMin = 50 SWEP.Range = 400 -- 4 shot until ~275m SWEP.Penetration = ArcCW.UC.StdDmg["556"].pen SWEP.DamageType = DMG_BULLET SWEP.ShootEntity = nil SWEP.MuzzleVelocity = 990 SWEP.PhysBulletMuzzleVelocity = 960 SWEP.BodyDamageMults = ArcCW.UC.BodyDamageMults -- Mag size -- SWEP.ChamberSize = 1 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 20 SWEP.ExtendedClipSize = 30 SWEP.ReducedClipSize = 10 -- Recoil -- SWEP.Recoil = 0.45 SWEP.RecoilSide = 0.2 SWEP.RecoilRise = 0.1 SWEP.RecoilPunch = 1 SWEP.VisualRecoilMult = 1 SWEP.MaxRecoilBlowback = 1 SWEP.MaxRecoilPunch = 1 SWEP.RecoilPunchBack = 1 SWEP.Sway = 0.25 -- Firerate / Firemodes -- SWEP.Delay = 60 / 540 SWEP.Num = 1 SWEP.Firemodes = { { Mode = 1, }, { Mode = 0, }, } SWEP.ShootPitch = 100 SWEP.ShootVol = 120 SWEP.ProceduralRegularFire = false SWEP.ProceduralIronFire = false SWEP.ReloadInSights = true -- NPC -- SWEP.NPCWeaponType = "weapon_ar2" SWEP.NPCWeight = 60 -- Accuracy -- SWEP.AccuracyMOA = 2 SWEP.HipDispersion = 800 SWEP.MoveDispersion = 150 SWEP.JumpDispersion = 1000 SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "smg1" SWEP.MagID = "mini14" SWEP.HeatCapacity = 75 SWEP.HeatDissipation = 5 SWEP.HeatDelayTime = 3 SWEP.MalfunctionMean = 100 -- Speed multipliers -- SWEP.SpeedMult = 0.9 SWEP.SightedSpeedMult = 0.75 SWEP.SightTime = 0.35 SWEP.ShootSpeedMult = 0.9 -- Length -- SWEP.BarrelLength = 36 SWEP.ExtraSightDist = 2 -- Ironsights / Customization / Poses -- SWEP.HolsterPos = Vector(2, 0, -2) SWEP.HolsterAng = Angle(-5.5, 20, -20) SWEP.SprintPos = Vector(-0.5, -4, -2) SWEP.SprintAng = Angle(3.5, 7, -20) SWEP.HoldtypeHolstered = "passive" SWEP.HoldtypeActive = "ar2" SWEP.HoldtypeSights = "rpg" SWEP.IronSightStruct = { Pos = Vector(-4.305, -7, 2.55), Ang = Angle(0, 0, 0), Magnification = 1, SwitchToSound = "", CrosshairInSights = false, } SWEP.ActivePos = Vector(-1, -1, 1) SWEP.ActiveAng = Angle(0, 0, -3) SWEP.CustomizePos = Vector(5, -2, -2) SWEP.CustomizeAng = Angle(15, 25, 0) SWEP.CrouchPos = Vector(-5, -4, 0) SWEP.CrouchAng = Angle(0, 0, -30) SWEP.BarrelOffsetHip = Vector(3, 0, -3) SWEP.MirrorVMWM = true SWEP.WorldModelOffset = { pos = Vector(-10, 6.5, -6), ang = Angle(-12, 0, 180), bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", scale = 1 - ( 0.35 * 0.75 ) } -- Firing sounds -- local path = ")weapons/arccw_ud/mini14/" local common = ")/arccw_uc/common/" SWEP.ShootSound = { path .. "fire-01.ogg", path .. "fire-02.ogg", path .. "fire-03.ogg", path .. "fire-04.ogg", path .. "fire-05.ogg", path .. "fire-06.ogg" } SWEP.ShootSoundSilenced = path .. "fire_supp.ogg" SWEP.DistantShootSound = nil SWEP.DistantShootSoundSilenced = common .. "sup_tail.ogg" SWEP.ShootDrySound = path .. "dryfire.ogg" local tail = ")/arccw_uc/common/556x45/" SWEP.DistantShootSoundOutdoors = { tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-ext-01.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-ext-02.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-ext-03.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-ext-04.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-ext-05.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-ext-06.ogg" } SWEP.DistantShootSoundIndoors = { tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-int-01.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-int-02.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-int-03.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-int-04.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-int-05.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-556x45-rif-int-06.ogg" } SWEP.DistantShootSoundOutdoorsSilenced = { common .. "sup-tail-01.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-02.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-03.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-04.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-05.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-06.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-07.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-08.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-09.ogg", common .. "sup-tail-10.ogg" } SWEP.DistantShootSoundIndoorsSilenced = { common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-01.ogg", common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-02.ogg", common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-03.ogg", common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-04.ogg", common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-05.ogg", common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-06.ogg" } SWEP.DistantShootSoundOutdoorsVolume = 1 SWEP.DistantShootSoundIndoorsVolume = 1 SWEP.Hook_AddShootSound = ArcCW.UC.InnyOuty -- Bodygroups -- SWEP.BulletBones = { [2] = "mini14_bullet1", [3] = "mini14_bullet2" } SWEP.AttachmentElements = { ["ud_mini14_mag_10"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 2}}, }, ["ud_mini14_mag_30"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 1}}, }, ["ud_mini14_mag_42"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 4}}, }, ["ud_mini14_mag_60"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 5}}, }, ["ud_mini14_mag_15_22lr"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 3}}, }, ["ud_mini14_mag_30_762"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 6}}, }, ["ud_mini14_rail_optic"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 1}}, }, ["ud_mini14_rail_fg"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 5, bg = 1}}, }, ["ud_mini14_barrel_long"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 3, bg = 1}}, AttPosMods = { [3] = { vpos = Vector(0, -2.15, 34.5), }, }, }, ["ud_mini14_barrel_short"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 3, bg = 2}}, AttPosMods = { [3] = { vpos = Vector(0, -2.15, 27.5), }, }, }, ["ud_mini14_barrel_stub"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 3, bg = 3}}, AttPosMods = { [3] = { vpos = Vector(0, -2.1, 25), }, }, }, ["ud_mini14_receiver_762"] = { TrueNameChange = "Mini Thirty", NameChange = "Patriot 816" }, ["ud_mini14_receiver_auto"] = { TrueNameChange = "AC-556", NameChange = "Patriot ACC" }, ["ud_mini14_receiver_22lr"] = { TrueNameChange = "Mini-14 .22 LR", NameChange = "Patriot 822" }, ["ud_mini14_stock_polymer"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 1}}, VMPoseParams = {["grip"] = 0} }, ["ud_mini14_stock_sawnoff"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 2}}, VMPoseParams = {["grip"] = 0} }, ["ud_mini14_stock_tactical"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 4}}, VMPoseParams = {["grip"] = 1} }, ["ud_mini14_stock_tactical_polymer"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 3}}, VMSkin = 1, VMPoseParams = {["grip"] = 1} }, ["ud_mini14_clamp"] = { VMBodygroups = {{ind = 6, bg = 1}}, }, } -- Animations -- SWEP.Hook_Think = ArcCW.UC.ADSReload SWEP.Animations = { ["ready"] = { Source = "unjam", Time = 40 / 30, SoundTable = { {s = common .. "raise.ogg", t = 0}, {s = common .. "rattle.ogg", t = 0.2}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 0.25}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 0.35}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.8}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1}, }, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.5, LHIKEaseIn = 0.5, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.5, ProcDraw = true, }, ["idle"] = { Source = "idle", }, ["idle_empty"] = { Source = "idle_empty", }, ["draw"] = { Source = "draw", SoundTable = ArcCW.UC.DrawSounds, }, ["draw_empty"] = { Source = "draw_empty", Time = 12 / 30, SoundTable = ArcCW.UC.DrawSounds, }, ["holster"] = { Source = "holster", LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0, LHIKOut = 0, SoundTable = ArcCW.UC.HolsterSounds, }, ["holster_empty"] = { Source = "holster_empty", Time = 12 / 30, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0, LHIKOut = 0, SoundTable = ArcCW.UC.HolsterSounds, }, ["fire"] = { Source = "fire", Time = 20 / 30, ShellEjectAt = 0.01, LastClip1OutTime = 0, SoundTable = {{ s = {path .. "mech-01.ogg", path .. "mech-02.ogg", path .. "mech-03.ogg", path .. "mech-04.ogg", path .. "mech-05.ogg", path .. "mech-06.ogg"}, t = 0, v = 0.25 }}, }, ["fire_iron"] = { Source = "fire", Time = 20 / 30, ShellEjectAt = 0.01, LastClip1OutTime = 0, SoundTable = { {s = common .. "common_mech_light.ogg", t = 0}, { s = {path .. "mech-01.ogg", path .. "mech-02.ogg", path .. "mech-03.ogg", path .. "mech-04.ogg", path .. "mech-05.ogg", path .. "mech-06.ogg"}, t = 0 } }, }, ["fire_empty"] = { Source = "fire_empty", Time = 20 / 30, ShellEjectAt = 0.01, SoundTable = { {s = path .. "mech_last.ogg", t = 0}, -- Temporary }, }, ["fire_iron_empty"] = { Source = "fire_empty", Time = 20 / 30, ShellEjectAt = 0.01, SoundTable = { {s = path .. "mech_last.ogg", t = 0}, -- Temporary }, }, ["unjam"] = { Source = "unjam", Time = 40 / 30, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 0.25}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 0.35}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.8}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1}, }, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.5, LHIKEaseIn = 0.5, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.5, ShellEjectAt = .35, }, -- 20 Round Reloads -- ["reload"] = { Source = "reload", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 66 / 30, MinProgress = 1.4, LastClip1OutTime = 0.9, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.3, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.25}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.4}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.6}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.05}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 1.3}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1.75}, }, }, ["reload_empty"] = { Source = "reload_empty", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 86 / 30, MinProgress = 2.1, LastClip1OutTime = 1, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.15}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.4}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.6}, {s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 0.9}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 1.85}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 1.95}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 2.2}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.4}, }, }, -- 10 Round Reloads -- ["reload_10"] = { Source = "reload_10", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 67 / 30, MinProgress = 1.6, LastClip1OutTime = 0.9, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.3, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.15}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.6, c = ci}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 1.5}, }, }, ["reload_empty_10"] = { Source = "reload_empty_10", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 86 / 30, MinProgress = 2.1, LastClip1OutTime = 0.7, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.15}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.4}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.6, c = ci}, {s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 0.9}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 1.90}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.00}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 2.4}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.5}, }, }, -- 30 Round Reloads -- ["reload_30"] = { Source = "reload_30", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 67 / 30, MinProgress = 1.4, LastClip1OutTime = 0.9, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.3, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.3}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.7, c = ci}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 1.4}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1.85}, }, }, ["reload_empty_30"] = { Source = "reload_empty_30", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 86 / 30, MinProgress = 2.3, LastClip1OutTime = 0.7, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.2}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.65, c = ci}, {s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 0.9}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.20}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 2}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.1}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 2.3}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.65}, }, }, -- 30 polymer Reloads -- ["reload_30_tac"] = { Source = "reload_30_tac", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 67 / 30, MinProgress = 1.4, LastClip1OutTime = 0.9, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.3, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.3}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.7, c = ci}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 1.4}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1.85}, }, }, ["reload_empty_30_tac"] = { Source = "reload_empty_30_tac", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 86 / 30, MinProgress = 2.3, LastClip1OutTime = 0.7, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.2}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.65, c = ci}, {s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 0.9}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.20}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 2}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.1}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 2.3}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.65}, }, }, -- 7.62 reloads -- ["reload_762"] = { Source = "reload_762", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 67 / 30, MinProgress = 1.4, LastClip1OutTime = 0.9, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.3, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.3}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.7, c = ci}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 1.4}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1.85}, }, }, ["reload_empty_762"] = { Source = "reload_empty_762", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 86 / 30, MinProgress = 2.3, LastClip1OutTime = 0.7, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.2}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.65, c = ci}, {s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 0.9}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.20}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 2}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.1}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 2.3}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.65}, }, }, -- 60 round reloads (?) -- ["reload_60"] = { Source = "reload_60", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 67 / 30, MinProgress = 1.4, LastClip1OutTime = 0.9, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.3, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.35}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.7, c = ci}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 1.4}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1.85}, }, }, ["reload_empty_60"] = { Source = "reload_empty_60", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 86 / 30, MinProgress = 2.3, LastClip1OutTime = 0.7, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.15, LHIKOut = 0.4, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.35}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.7, c = ci}, {s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 0.9}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.20}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 1.9}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 2.3}, {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.65}, }, }, -- 15 22lr Round Reloads -- ["reload_15_22lr"] = { Source = "reload_15_22lr", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 67 / 30, MinProgress = 1.6, LastClip1OutTime = 0.9, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.3, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.45, LHIKOut = 0.7, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.15}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.3}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.65, c = ci}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = .9}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 1.4}, }, }, ["reload_empty_15_22lr"] = { Source = "reload_empty_15_22lr", TPAnim = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_AR2, Time = 86 / 30, MinProgress = 2.2, LastClip1OutTime = 0.7, LHIK = true, LHIKIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseIn = 0.4, LHIKEaseOut = 0.45, LHIKOut = 0.6, SoundTable = { {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.0}, {s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.15}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 0.5}, {s = common .. "pistol_magdrop.ogg", t = 0.9}, {s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.7, c = ci}, {s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 1.10}, {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 1.9}, {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.0}, {s = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_5.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}, t = 2.3}, }, }, } SWEP.Hook_ModifyBodygroups = function(wep,data) local vm = data.vm if !IsValid(vm) then return end local atts = wep.Attachments local barr = string.Replace(atts[2].Installed or "default","ud_mini14_barrel_","") local muzz = atts[3].Installed local tac = atts[6].Installed if muzz or barr == "stub" or barr == "default" then vm:SetBodygroup(7,2) elseif barr == "short" then vm:SetBodygroup(7,1) elseif barr == "long" then vm:SetBodygroup(7,0) end if !tac then vm:SetBodygroup(6,0) end end SWEP.Attachments = { { PrintName = "Optic", DefaultAttName = "Iron Sights", Slot = {"optic_lp","optic","optic_sniper"}, Bone = "mini14_parent", Offset = { vpos = Vector(0, -3.6, 6), vang = Angle(90, 2, -90), }, VMScale = Vector(1.2,1.2,1.2), WMScale = VMScale, InstalledEles = {"ud_mini14_rail_optic"}, }, { PrintName = "Barrel", DefaultAttName = "20\" Standard Barrel", DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ud_mini14_barrel.png", "smooth mips"), Slot = "ud_mini14_barrel", }, { PrintName = "Muzzle", DefaultAttName = "Standard Muzzle", Slot = {"muzzle"}, Bone = "mini14_parent", Offset = { vpos = Vector(0, -2.15, 30), vang = Angle(90, 0, -90), wpos = vpos, }, VMScale = Vector(1.5,1.5,1.5), WMScale = VMScale, ExcludeFlags = {"nomuzzle"}, }, { PrintName = "Receiver", DefaultAttName = "Mini-14 Receiver", DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ud_mini14_receiver.png", "smooth mips"), Slot = "ud_mini14_receiver", }, { PrintName = "Underbarrel", Slot = {"foregrip"}, Bone = "mini14_parent", Offset = { vpos = Vector(0, 0, 14), vang = Angle(90, 0, -90), }, InstalledEles = {"ud_mini14_rail_fg"}, MergeSlots = {14} }, { PrintName = "Tactical", Slot = {"tac"}, Bone = "mini14_parent", Offset = { vpos = Vector(0, -1.5, 22.3), vang = Angle(90, 0, -90), }, InstalledEles = {"ud_mini14_clamp"}, }, { PrintName = "Magazine", Slot = {"ud_mini14_mag"}, DefaultAttName = "20-Round Mag", DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ud_mini14_mag_20.png", "smooth mips"), }, { PrintName = "Stock", Slot = {"ud_mini14_stock"}, DefaultAttName = "Wooden Stock", DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ud_mini14_stock.png", "smooth mips"), }, { PrintName = "Ammo Type", DefaultAttName = "\"FMJ\" Full Metal Jacket", DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/arccw_uc_ammo_generic.png", "mips smooth"), Slot = "uc_ammo", }, { PrintName = "Powder Load", Slot = "uc_powder", DefaultAttName = "Standard Load" }, { PrintName = "Training Package", Slot = "uc_tp", DefaultAttName = "Basic Training" }, { PrintName = "Internals", Slot = "uc_fg", -- Fire group DefaultAttName = "Standard Internals" }, { PrintName = "Charm", Slot = {"charm", "fml_charm"}, FreeSlot = true, Bone = "mini14_parent", Offset = { vpos = Vector(1.1, -0.5, 6), vang = Angle(90, 0, -90), }, }, { PrintName = "M203 slot", Slot = "uc_ubgl", Bone = "mini14_parent", Offset = { vpos = Vector(0, -1.2, 10), vang = Angle(90, 0, -90), }, InstalledEles = {"ud_mini14_rail_fg"}, ExcludeFlags = {"ak_noubs","barrel_rpk"}, Hidden = true, } }