"VertexLitGeneric" { // maps "$basetexture" "models/weapons/arccw/ud_mini14/mini14_D" // string -- main texture "$bumpmap" "models/weapons/arccw/ud_mini14/mini14_N" // string -- normal map texture (bump map for brushes) "$phongexponenttexture" "models/weapons/arccw/ud_mini14/mini14_G" // string -- phong exponent texture (contains info for other shaders) "$phongwarptexture" "models/weapons/arccw/ud_stalol/phongwarp_metal" // string -- phong gradient texture: 256x16 texture where x:0 = unlit, x:256 = fully lit (default is a perfect 0-256 black to white gradient) "$nocull" "1" "$halflambert" "1" // map interp "$color2" "[0.8 0.8 0.8]" // vector -- rgb tinting of the basetexture "$blendTintByBaseAlpha" "1" // bool -- uses base texture's alpha channel to mask color2's effect // phong (convar: mat_phong "bool") "$phong" "1" // bool -- phong enabler, have this on 1 if you have a central neural system "$phongboost" "30" // float -- phong intensity coefficient on top of normal map's alpha (aka phong mask) "$phongfresnelranges" "[0.5 0.5 3.0]" // vector -- phong fresnel ranges, default are [0 0.5 1] "$phongalbedotint" "1" // bool -- enables basetexture tinting of the phong's color but masks it with phongexponent's green channel // rimlight (convar: mat_rimlight "bool") "$rimlight" "1" // bool -- rimlight enabler, doesn't have to be on, use if needed "$rimmask" "1" // bool -- rimlight masking through exponent's alpha channel (use alpha vtf format) "$rimlightboost" "0.4" // float -- rimlight intensity coefficient "$rimlightexponent" "20" // float -- rimlight exponent "$phongexponent" "5" // envmap (convar: mat_specular "bool") "$envmap" "env_cubemap" // string -- path to envmap or envmap entity name "$envmaptint" "[ 0.005 0.005 0.005 ]" // vector -- rgb tinting of the envmap: all dimentions should be equal, ideally }