att.PrintName = "GEN3 Silent Mistress Slide" att.AbbrevName = "SD Slide" if GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then att.PrintName = "G17SD Hush Puppy Slide" end att.Icon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ud_glock_slide_sd.png", "smooth mips") att.Description = "A slide with an integrated silencer installed. A slide lock system can prevent the weapon from cycling when fired, reducing its audible report even further." att.Desc_Pros = { "uc.invistracer" } att.Desc_Cons = { --"uc.manual", "uc.nomuzzle" } att.Desc_Neutrals = { "ud.hushpuppy", "uc.supptail" } att.Slot = "ud_glock_slide" att.AutoStats = true att.Mult_SightTime = 1.15 att.Mult_Recoil = 0.85 att.Mult_AccuracyMOA = 0.75 att.Mult_Sway = 1.5 att.Mult_Range = 1.25 att.Mult_ShootVol = 0.65 att.Mult_ShootPitch = 1.25 att.Mult_PhysBulletMuzzleVelocity = 0.85 att.Mult_RPM = 0.55 --att.Override_ManualAction = true att.Silencer = true att.Override_MuzzleEffect = "muzzleflash_suppressed" att.Add_BarrelLength = 8 att.ActivateElements = {"ud_glock_slide_sd"} att.GivesFlags = {"sd"} att.Override_Firemodes_Priority = 10 att.Override_Firemodes = { { Mode = 1, }, { Mode = 1, PrintName = "fcg.slidelock", Override_ManualAction = true, Mult_ShootVol = 0.8, Mult_AccuracyMOA = 0.75, Mult_HipDispersion = 0.75, }, { PrintName = "fcg.safe2", Mode = 0, } } att.Override_TracerNum = 0 att.Override_PhysTracerProfile = 7 att.Hook_TranslateAnimation = function(wep, anim) if not wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_ManualAction") then return end if (anim == "fire" || anim == "fire_empty" || anim == "fire_iron" || anim == "fire_iron_empty") then return "fire_cycle" elseif (anim == "idle" || anim == "idle_empty") then if wep:GetNeedCycle() then return "idle" end end end att.Hook_GetDistantShootSound = function(wep, distancesound) if wep:GetBuff("PhysBulletMuzzleVelocity") < ArcCW.UC.SubsonicThreshold then return false end end