
24 lines
874 B
Raw Normal View History

2024-02-29 22:19:27 -05:00
"$basetexture" "models\weapons\arccw\ur_m1911/alisd_hammer_c" // why is the m45 skeleton hammer named after ALISD??? ALISD doesn't even use it
"$bumpmap" "models\weapons\arccw\ur_m1911/alisd_hammer_n"
"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1
"$color2" "[1.1 1.1 1.1]"
"$phongwarptexture" "models\weapons\arccw\ud_stalol\phongwarp_metal" // string -- phong gradient texture: 256x16 texture where x:0 = unlit, x:256 = fully lit (default is a perfect 0-256 black to white gradient)
"$phong" "1"
"$phongtint" "[1 1 0.8]"
"$phongexponenttexture" "models\weapons\arccw\ur_m1911/alisd_hammer_e"
"$phongboost" "3"
"$phongalbedotint" "0"
"$phongfresnelranges" "[0.5 1.5 3.0]"
"$halflambert" "1"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmapfresnel" "1"
"$envmapFresnelMinMaxExp" "[0 5 .4]"
"$envmaptint" "[0.32 0.30 0.33]"
"$nocull" "1"