att.PrintName = "3\" Model 629 Pocket Barrel" att.AbbrevName = "3\" Pocket Barrel" if !GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then att.PrintName = "3\" Companion .44 Pocket Barrel" end att.Icon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ur_329_barrel_m29.png","smooth mips") att.Description = "Even shorter barrel, associated with police officers. Being as compact as possible improves draw time, but the barrel cannot handle gas expansion well." att.Slot = "ur_329_barrel" att.AutoStats = true att.SortOrder = 3 att.Mult_AccuracyMOA = 1.3 att.Mult_Range = 0.75 att.Mult_Recoil = 1.3 att.Mult_SightTime = 0.85 att.Mult_Sway = 0.85 att.Mult_HipDispersion = 0.9 att.Mult_PhysBulletMuzzleVelocity = 0.85 att.Add_BarrelLength = -1 att.Mult_DrawTime = 0.75 att.Mult_HolsterTime = 0.75 att.Ignore = true -- Texture is too fucked for this to make it to release