att.PrintName = "Type 56 16\" Bayonet Barrel" att.AbbrevName = "16\" Bayonet Barrel" att.Icon = Material("entities/att/ur_ak/barrel/type.png", "mips smooth") att.Description = "Chinese derivative barrel with a fully hooded front sight and a folding spike bayonet. When unfolded, the bayonet increases melee damage substantially, but adds some forward weight." att.Slot = {"ur_ak_barrel"} att.AutoStats = true if !GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then att.PrintName = "Yucha 7 16\" Bayonet Barrel" -- Chinese for harpoon end att.SortOrder = 16 att.Mult_SightedSpeedMult = .95 --att.ToggleLockDefault = true att.ToggleStats = { { PrintName = "Extended", ActivateElements = {"barrel_t56_ext"}, AutoStats = true, Add_MeleeRange = 16, Mult_MeleeDamage = 3, Mult_MeleeWaitTime = 2, Add_BarrelLength = 10, Mult_Sway = 1.2, -- Override_BashPreparePos = Vector(4, -5, -1.8), -- Override_BashPrepareAng = Angle(-15, -5, -5), -- Override_BashPos = Vector(-1, 12, 4.5), -- i'm too impatient to not make this bat you in the face with the stock -- Override_BashAng = Angle(-7, 3, 25), Hook_SelectBashAnim = function(wep,anim) return "bash_bayonet" end }, { PrintName = "Folded", AutoStats = true, ActivateElements = {"barrel_t56"}, }, } att.GivesFlags = {"ak_bayonet1"} att.ExcludeFlags = {"ak_bayonet2"}