att.PrintName = "Desert Eagle .410 Bore Conversion" att.AbbrevName = ".410 Bore" att.Icon = Material("entities/att/uc_bullets/20g.png","smooth mips") att.Description = "Hobbyist conversion that allows the weapon to accept .410 bore shotgun shells. Because the weapon was never meant to fire these, performance beyond point blank is poor." if !GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then att.PrintName = "Predator .410 Bore Conversion" end -- Todo: alt shoot sound att.AutoStats = true att.Desc_Pros = { "ur.deagle.410.1" } att.Desc_Cons = { "ur.deagle.410.2" } att.Slot = "ur_deagle_caliber" att.SortOrder = -1 att.Override_Num = 4 att.Mult_Range = 0.5 att.Override_AccuracyMOA = 35 att.Override_AccuracyMOA_Priority = 0 att.Mult_ClipSize = 1.15 att.Mult_Recoil = 0.75 att.Mult_Damage = 72 / 70 att.Mult_DamageMin = 20 / 17 att.Override_HullSize = 0.1 att.Override_BodyDamageMults = ArcCW.UC.BodyDamageMults_Shotgun att.Override_Penetration = 1 --att.Override_Malfunction = true --att.Mult_MalfunctionVariance = 1.5 att.Override_IsShotgun = true att.Override_Ammo = "buckshot" att.Override_ShellModel = "models/weapons/arccw/uc_shells/410bore.mdl" att.Override_ShellScale = 1 att.Override_ShellSounds = ArcCW.ShotgunShellSoundsTable att.Override_Trivia_Class = "Shot Pistol" att.Override_Trivia_Calibre = att.AbbrevName -- E F F I C I E N C Y local slotinfo = { [6] = {"8-Round Mag", "8-Round Mag", Material("entities/att/acwatt_ur_deagle_mag_7.png", "mips smooth")}, [9] = {"\"BUCK\" #000 Buckshot", "\"BUCK\" #000 Buckshot", Material("entities/att/arccw_uc_ammo_shotgun_generic.png", "mips smooth")}, } att.Hook_GetDefaultAttName = function(wep, slot) if slotinfo[slot] then return GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() and slotinfo[slot][2] or slotinfo[slot][1] end end att.Hook_GetDefaultAttIcon = function(wep, slot) if slotinfo[slot] then return slotinfo[slot][3] end end att.Hook_GetShootSound = function(wep, sound) if wep:GetBuff_Override("Silencer") then return "weapons/arccw_ur/deagle/fire_supp_10.ogg" -- Placeholder else return {"weapons/arccw_ur/deagle/fire-410-01.ogg", "weapons/arccw_ur/deagle/fire-410-02.ogg", "weapons/arccw_ur/deagle/fire-410-03.ogg", "weapons/arccw_ur/deagle/fire-410-04.ogg", "weapons/arccw_ur/deagle/fire-410-05.ogg", "weapons/arccw_ur/deagle/fire-410-06.ogg"} -- Not Placeholder end end local tail = ")/arccw_uc/common/357mag/" att.Hook_GetDistantShootSoundOutdoors = function(wep, distancesound) if wep:GetBuff_Override("Silencer") then -- fallback to script else return { tail .. "fire-dist-357mag-pistol-ext-01.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-357mag-pistol-ext-02.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-357mag-pistol-ext-03.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-357mag-pistol-ext-04.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-357mag-pistol-ext-05.ogg", tail .. "fire-dist-357mag-pistol-ext-06.ogg" } end end