att.PrintName = "9\" Swordfish Upper" att.Icon = Material("entities/att/ur_mp5/upper_fish.png", "smooth mips") att.Description = "Aftermarket upper receiver that aggressively counters recoil using an integrated compensator. The added weight makes the weapon harder to aim with." att.Desc_Cons = { "uc.nomuzzle" } att.AutoStats = true att.Slot = "ur_mp5_barrel" att.SortOrder = 9 att.Mult_Recoil = 0.7 att.Mult_SightedSpeedMult = 0.8 att.Mult_SightTime = 1.1 att.Mult_Sway = 1.5 att.Add_BarrelLength = 3 att.Mult_PhysBulletMuzzleVelocity = 1.15 att.Override_IronSightStruct = { Pos = Vector(-3.17, -4, -0.22), Ang = Angle(0, 0, 0), Magnification = 1, SwitchToSound = "", ViewModelFOV = 74, } att.ActivateElements = {"ur_mp5_barrel_swordfish"} att.GivesFlags = {"barrel_sword"}