att.PrintName = "21.5\" Freeman Barrel" att.Icon = nil att.Description = [[Futuristic fire control group and barrel accomodation that supports slamfire and a near-instant, gas-powered two-round burst. However, the original dual-mode mechanism is replaced. The two-round burst can shred most targets, but depletes ammo quickly. The complicated mechanism also has a heavier pump.]] att.Desc_Pros = { "uc.slam", "ur.ak.burst", } att.Desc_Cons = { "ur.spas12.pump" } att.Icon = Material("entities/att/ur_spas/barrel_std.png", "smooth mips") att.SortOrder = 21.5 att.Slot = "ur_spas12_barrel" att.AutoStats = true att.Override_Firemodes = { { Mode = 2, PrintName = "fcg.slam", Override_ManualAction = true, Mult_AccuracyMOA = 0.8, Mult_HipDispersion = 0.8, }, { Mode = 1, PrintName = "ur.spas12.dbl", Override_ManualAction = true, Mult_AccuracyMOA = 1.15, Mult_HipDispersion = 0.8, Mult_Num = 2, Override_AmmoPerShot = 2, Mult_Damage = 2, Mult_DamageMin = 2, Mult_Recoil = 1.5, CustomBars = "--___", --Mult_CycleTime = 1.13 }, { Mode = 0, }, } att.Override_Firemodes_Priority = 1 att.Hook_GetShootSound = function(wep,sound) if wep:GetCurrentFiremode().Override_AmmoPerShot == 2 then return "arccw_uc/common/gl_fire_buck.ogg" end end att.Hook_GetDistantShootSound = function(wep,sound) if wep:GetCurrentFiremode().Override_AmmoPerShot == 2 then --return "arccw_uc/common/gl_fire_buck_dist.ogg" end end -- Overwritten by weapon's hook att.Hook_SelectCycleAnimation = function(wep,curanim) if wep:GetCurrentFiremode().Override_AmmoPerShot == 2 then return "cycle_2bst" end end att.Hook_SelectFireAnimation = function(wep,curanim) if wep:GetCurrentFiremode().Override_AmmoPerShot == 2 then return "fire_2bst" end end att.Mult_CycleTime = 1.15 att.Override_ActivePos = Vector(0.75, 0.5, -0.2) --Vector(1, -3, 0) att.Override_ActivePos_Priority = 10 att.Override_ReloadPos = Vector(0.75, 0.5, -0.2) --Vector(1, -3, 0) att.Override_ReloadPos_Priority = 10 att.ActivateElements = {"uc_spas_slam"} att.GivesFlags = {"freeman"} -- only activates if a manual action shell type is used