att.PrintName = "MP5 Surefire Handguard" att.AbbrevName = "Surefire Handguard" if !GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then att.PrintName = "PK5 Surefire Handguard" end att.Icon = Material("entities/att/ur_mp5/hg_flash.png", "smooth mips") att.Description = "Alternative handguard with an integrated flashlight and a wider grip." att.Desc_Pros = { "uc.light" } att.Desc_Cons = { "con.light", "uc.noubs" } att.AutoStats = true att.Slot = {"ur_mp5_hg","ur_g3_handguard"} att.SortOrder = 998 att.Model = "models/weapons/arccw/atts/ud_flashlight_1.mdl" att.ModelOffset = Vector(0,0,.1) att.OffsetAng = Angle(0,0,180) att.ModelScale = Vector(.01,.01,.01) -- THIS IS TEMPORARY UNTIL THE MODEL GETS THE BONE WE NEED, DO NOT RELEASE WITH A TINY FLASHLIGHT INSIDE THE MODEL att.Flashlight = false att.FlashlightFOV = 50 att.FlashlightFarZ = 1024 -- how far it goes att.FlashlightNearZ = 1 -- how far away it starts att.FlashlightAttenuationType = ArcCW.FLASH_ATT_LINEAR -- LINEAR, CONSTANT, QUADRATIC are available att.FlashlightColor = Color(255, 242, 229) att.FlashlightTexture = "effects/flashlight001" att.FlashlightBrightness = 3 att.FlashlightBone = "light" att.ToggleStats = { { PrintName = "On", Flashlight = true }, { PrintName = "Off", Flashlight = false, } } att.Mult_SightTime = 0.9 att.GivesFlags = {"hg_surefire","mp5_badhg"} -- badhg flag is temporary until underbarrel rail model is implemented (it disables use of underbarrel atts) att.ExcludeFlags = {"barrel_sd","mp5_kurz","g3_not8"} att.HideIfBlocked = true