
1561 lines
47 KiB

SWEP.Base = "arccw_base"
SWEP.Spawnable = true -- this obviously has to be set to true
SWEP.Category = "ArcCW - Urban Coalition" -- edit this if you like
SWEP.UC_CategoryPack = "2Urban Renewal"
SWEP.AdminOnly = false
SWEP.PrintName = "KF-67"
SWEP.TrueName = "AKM"
if GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then
SWEP.PrintName = SWEP.TrueName
local descStart = "One of the first assault rifles, wielded around the world to this day for its cheap price, quick production, ease of maintenance, and infallible reliability. Consequently, it has become the most popular rifle ever; a constant of freedom fighters and third-world armies virtually everywhere. One fifth of all small arms in existence can be traced to this design.\n\n"
local desc_762 = "The default pattern is well-rounded and hard-hitting, but kicks harder than other weapons of its class."
local desc_545 = "With a heavier frame than other service rifles, the AK-74 platform is accurate and easy to control."
local desc_74u = "This PDW variant sacrifices range and control to fit the power of a rifle into a very compact form."
local desc_9mm = "Well-rounded submachine gun that shares common parts with AK rifles. For its widespread use by a variety of security divisions, it can be described as a Russian counterpart to the MP5.\n\nThe moniker \"Vityaz\" translates to \"knight.\""
local desc_12g = "Magazine-fed semi automatic shotgun based on the Kalashnikov pattern. It is a popular civilian weapon due to the comparative simplicity of Russia's smoothbore gun licenses, but it has also been used by security firms around the world.\n\nIts low accuracy is compensated for by a much faster reload time than tube-fed designs."
local desc_556 = "This international variant has a lower damage output than the Russian cartridges, but boasts substantially lower recoil."
local desc_366 = "AK-pattern shotgun chambered in .366 TKM, a sporting cartridge that uses reshaped M43 casings. It is considered a shotgun because of its smoothbore barrel, a change made to circumvent Russian rifle laws. Despite the lack of rifling, it achieves similar ballistics to a proper AK-47."
SWEP.Trivia_Class = "Assault Rifle"
SWEP.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_762
SWEP.Trivia_Manufacturer = "Izhmash"
SWEP.Trivia_Calibre = "7.62x39mm Soviet"
SWEP.Trivia_Mechanism = "Gas-Operated Rotating Bolt"
SWEP.Trivia_Country = "Soviet Union"
SWEP.Trivia_Year = 1959
SWEP.Slot = 2
SWEP.CamAttachment = 3
SWEP.UseHands = true
SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/arccw/c_ur_ak.mdl"
SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/arccw/c_ur_ak.mdl"
SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 70
SWEP.DefaultBodygroups = "010000800120"
-- Damage --
SWEP.Damage = 50 -- 2 shot close range kill
SWEP.DamageMin = 25 -- 4 shot long range kill
SWEP.RangeMin = 30
SWEP.Range = 300 -- 3 shot until ~170m
SWEP.Penetration = 16
SWEP.ShootEntity = nil
SWEP.MuzzleVelocity = 715
SWEP.PhysBulletMuzzleVelocity = 715
SWEP.BodyDamageMults = ArcCW.UC.BodyDamageMults
-- Mag size --
SWEP.ChamberSize = 1
SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 30
SWEP.ExtendedClipSize = 40
SWEP.ReducedClipSize = 15
-- Recoil --
SWEP.Recoil = 0.75
SWEP.RecoilSide = 0.3
SWEP.RecoilRise = 0.6
SWEP.RecoilPunch = 1
SWEP.VisualRecoilMult = 1
SWEP.MaxRecoilBlowback = 1
SWEP.MaxRecoilPunch = 1
SWEP.RecoilPunchBack = 2
SWEP.Sway = 0.6
-- Firerate / Firemodes --
SWEP.Delay = 60 / 600
SWEP.Num = 1
SWEP.Firemodes = {
Mode = 2,
Mode = 1,
Mode = 0,
SWEP.ShootPitch = 100
SWEP.ShootVol = 120
SWEP.ProceduralRegularFire = false
SWEP.ProceduralIronFire = false
SWEP.ReloadInSights = true
-- NPC --
SWEP.NPCWeaponType = "weapon_ar2"
SWEP.NPCWeight = 60
-- Accuracy --
SWEP.AccuracyMOA = 5
SWEP.HipDispersion = 800
SWEP.MoveDispersion = 250
SWEP.JumpDispersion = 1000
SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "ar2"
SWEP.MagID = "ak"
SWEP.HeatCapacity = 75
SWEP.HeatDissipation = 15
SWEP.HeatDelayTime = 3
-- SWEP.Malfunction = true
SWEP.MalfunctionMean = 200
--SWEP.MeleeTime = 1.5
-- Speed multipliers --
SWEP.SpeedMult = 0.9
SWEP.SightedSpeedMult = 0.75
SWEP.SightTime = 0.35
SWEP.ShootSpeedMult = 0.75
local path = ")weapons/arccw_ur/ak/"
local path1 = ")weapons/arccw_ur/mp5/"
local common = ")/arccw_uc/common/"
local rottle = {common .. "cloth_1.ogg", common .. "cloth_2.ogg", common .. "cloth_3.ogg", common .. "cloth_4.ogg", common .. "cloth_6.ogg", common .. "rattle.ogg"}
local ratel = {common .. "rattle1.ogg", common .. "rattle2.ogg", common .. "rattle3.ogg"}
local rutle = {common .. "movement-rifle-01.ogg",common .. "movement-rifle-02.ogg",common .. "movement-rifle-03.ogg",common .. "movement-rifle-04.ogg"}
--SWEP.FirstShootSound = path .. "fire_first.ogg"
SWEP.ShootSound = {
path .. "fire-01.ogg",
path .. "fire-02.ogg",
path .. "fire-03.ogg",
path .. "fire-04.ogg",
path .. "fire-05.ogg",
path .. "fire-06.ogg"
SWEP.ShootSoundSilenced = {
path .. "fire-sup-01.ogg",
path .. "fire-sup-02.ogg",
path .. "fire-sup-03.ogg",
path .. "fire-sup-04.ogg",
path .. "fire-sup-05.ogg",
path .. "fire-sup-06.ogg"
SWEP.DistantShootSound = nil
SWEP.DistantShootSoundSilenced = nil
SWEP.ShootDrySound = path .. "dryfire.ogg"
local tail = ")/arccw_uc/common/762x39/"
SWEP.DistantShootSoundOutdoors = {
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-ext-01.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-ext-02.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-ext-03.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-ext-04.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-ext-05.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-ext-06.ogg"
SWEP.DistantShootSoundIndoors = {
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-int-01.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-int-02.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-int-03.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-int-04.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-int-05.ogg",
tail .. "fire-dist-762x39-rif-int-06.ogg"
SWEP.DistantShootSoundOutdoorsSilenced = {
common .. "sup-tail-01.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-02.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-03.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-04.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-05.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-06.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-07.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-08.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-09.ogg",
common .. "sup-tail-10.ogg"
SWEP.DistantShootSoundIndoorsSilenced = {
common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-01.ogg",
common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-02.ogg",
common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-03.ogg",
common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-04.ogg",
common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-05.ogg",
common .. "fire-dist-int-pistol-light-06.ogg"
SWEP.DistantShootSoundOutdoorsVolume = 1
SWEP.DistantShootSoundIndoorsVolume = 1
SWEP.Hook_AddShootSound = ArcCW.UC.InnyOuty
SWEP.MuzzleEffect = "muzzleflash_6"
SWEP.ShellEffect = "arccw_uc_shelleffect"
SWEP.ShellModel = "models/weapons/arccw/uc_shells/762x39.mdl"
SWEP.ShellPitch = 90
SWEP.ShellScale = .666
SWEP.ShellRotateAngle = Angle(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.UC_ShellColor = Color(0.7 * 255, 0.2 * 255, 0.2 * 255)
SWEP.MuzzleEffectAttachment = 1 -- which attachment to put the muzzle on
SWEP.CaseEffectAttachment = 2 -- which attachment to put the case effect on
SWEP.BulletBones = {
[1] = "tag_mag2",
SWEP.IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.61, -2, 0.45),
Ang = Angle(0.60, 0.274, 5.53),
Magnification = 1.1,
SwitchToSound = "", -- sound that plays when switching to this sight
CrosshairInSights = false
SWEP.LaserOffsetAngle = Angle(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.LaserIronsAngle = Angle(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.HoldtypeHolstered = "passive"
SWEP.HoldtypeActive = "ar2"
SWEP.HoldtypeSights = "rpg"
SWEP.ActivePos = Vector(0.5, 0, 0)
SWEP.ActiveAng = Angle(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.SprintPos = Vector(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.SprintAng = Angle(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.CrouchPos = Vector(-2, -2, -0.6)
SWEP.CrouchAng = Angle(0, 0, -14)
SWEP.HolsterPos = Vector(-1, -1, 1.2)
SWEP.HolsterAng = Angle(-15, 8, -10)
SWEP.BarrelOffsetSighted = Vector(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.BarrelOffsetHip = Vector(0, 0, 0)
-- SWEP.CustomizePos = Vector(6.5, 0.8, -0.2)
-- SWEP.CustomizeAng = Angle(8, 22, 15)
SWEP.CustomizePos = Vector(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.CustomizeAng = Angle(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.BarrelLength = 24
SWEP.AttachmentElements = {
["barrel_74m"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 3}}
["barrel_74m_red"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 10}}
["barrel_74m_green"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 11}}
["barrel_akm"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 0}}
["barrel_alpha"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 1, bg = 7},
-- {ind = 7, bg = 6},
-- {ind = 8, bg = 2},
["barrel_rpk"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 7, bg = 1},
{ind = 8, bg = 2}
AttPosMods = {[4] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 32.2, 2.6),
vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
Override_IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.625, -2, 0.68),
Ang = Angle(-0.1, 0.274, 5.53),
Magnification = 1,
["barrel_rpk74m"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 1, bg = 5},
-- {ind = 7, bg = 1},
-- {ind = 8, bg = 2}
-- AttPosMods = {[4] = {
-- vpos = Vector(0, 32.2, 2.6),
-- vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
-- }},
-- Override_IronSightStruct = {
-- Pos = Vector(-2.625, -2, 0.68),
-- Ang = Angle(-0.1, 0.274, 5.53),
-- Magnification = 1,
-- }
["barrel_krinkov"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 1, bg = 6},
{ind = 7, bg = 5},
{ind = 8, bg = 2},
{ind = 4, bg = 1},
{ind = 5, bg = 1}
AttPosMods = {
[4] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 15, 2.85),
vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
[7] = {
vpos = Vector(0,10,1.7),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
SlideAmount = {
vmin = Vector(0,10,1.7),
vmax = Vector(0,10,1.7)
[8] = {
vpos = Vector(-0.8, 11.75, 2.9),
vang = Angle(-90, 270, 0),
wang = Angle(-90, 270, 0),
Override_IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.638, -2, 0.9),
Ang = Angle(-1, 0.12, 5.53),
Magnification = 1,
["barrel_vityaz"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 1, bg = 8},
{ind = 7, bg = 5},
{ind = 8, bg = 2},
{ind = 5, bg = 1}
AttPosMods = {
[4] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 16.5, 2.85),
vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
[7] = {
vpos = Vector(0,11,1.7),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
SlideAmount = {
vmin = Vector(0,10,1.7),
vmax = Vector(0,11,1.7)
[8] = {
vpos = Vector(-0.8, 11.75, 2.9),
vang = Angle(-90, 270, 0),
wang = Angle(-90, 270, 0),
Override_IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.62, -2, 0.75),
Ang = Angle(-0.42, 0.2, 5.53),
Magnification = 1,
["barrel_t56"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 7, bg = 3},
{ind = 11, bg = 2},
{ind = 8, bg = 2}
["barrel_t56_ext"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 7, bg = 3},
{ind = 11, bg = 3},
{ind = 8, bg = 2}
["barrel_vepr"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
--{ind = 1, bg = 9},
{ind = 7, bg = 4},
{ind = 8, bg = 2}
AttPosMods = {[4] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 28.5, 2.7),
vang = Angle(0, 270, -0),
Override_IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.63, -2, 0.76),
Ang = Angle(-0.3, 0.18, 5.53),
Magnification = 1,
["ur_ak_hg_vepr"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 1, bg = 9},
["barrel_105"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
--{ind = 1, bg = 3},
{ind = 7, bg = 2},
{ind = 8, bg = 2}
AttPosMods = {[4] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 19.9, 2.7),
vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
Override_IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.6, -2, 0.48),
Ang = Angle(0.6, 0.265, 5.53),
Magnification = 1,
["barrel_dong"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 2}}, -- This will show up regardless of barrel selection because underbarrel atts are always processed after barrel atts
AttPosMods = {[6] = {
SlideAmount = {
vmin = Vector(0,12,1.9),
vmax = Vector(0,12,1.9)
["muzzle_akm"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 8, bg = 1}}
["muzzle_ak74"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 8, bg = 3}}
["muzzle_aku"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 8, bg = 6}}
["muzzle_bayonet"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 11, bg = 1}}
["stock_alpha"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 6, bg = 4},
{ind = 3, bg = 1},
["stock_aks"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 6, bg = 3},
{ind = 3, bg = 1},
["stock_aks_folded"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 6, bg = 10},
{ind = 3, bg = 1},
["stock_underfolder"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 6, bg = 2}}
["stock_underfolder_folded"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 6, bg = 1}}
["stock_ak74m"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 3, bg = 1},
{ind = 6, bg = 12}
["stock_ak74m_folded"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 3, bg = 1},
{ind = 6, bg = 13}
["stock_rpk"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 6, bg = 5}}
["stock_akn"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 6, bg = 0}}
["stock_skeletal"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 6, bg = 6},
{ind = 3, bg = 1},
["stock_vepr"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 6, bg = 7},
{ind = 9, bg = 4}
["stock_none"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 6, bg = 9},
{ind = 3, bg = 1},
["mag_762_75"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 1}}
["mag_762_bakelite"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 11}}
["mag_762_pmag"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 12}}
["mag_545_30"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 2}}
["mag_556_30"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 10}}
["mag_545_45"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 3}}
["mag_9mm"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 4}}
["mag_12g"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 5}}
["mag_366"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 6}}
["grip_akm"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 9, bg = 0}}
["grip_alpha"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 9, bg = 2}}
["grip_saiga"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 9, bg = 3}}
["cover_ribbed"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 10, bg = 0}}
["cover_alpha"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 10, bg = 1}},
AttPosMods = {[1] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 3.5, 4.68),
vang = Angle(0, -90, 0),
["optic_raillaser"] = {
AttPosMods = {
[8] = {
vpos = Vector(0.95, 2.5, 4.05),
vang = Angle(0, -90, 125),
["cover_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 10, bg = 4}},
AttPosMods = {[1] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 3.5, 4.67),
vang = Angle(0, -90, 0),
["grip_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 9, bg = 5}}
["stock_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 6, bg = 11}},
["handguard_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 1, bg = 12}},
--[[AttPosMods = {[6] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 11.75, 2.2),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
AttPosMods = {
[8] = {
vpos = Vector(-0.7, 13.5, 3.8),
vang = Angle(-90, 270, 0),
wang = Angle(-90, 270, 0),
[7] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 11.75, 2.2),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
["barrel_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {
{ind = 7, bg = 6},
{ind = 8, bg = 2}
AttPosMods = {[4] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 23.5, 2.8),
vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
Override_IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.68, 0, 1.3),
Ang = Angle(-2.02, 0.028, 5.53),
Magnification = 1,
--RequireFlags = {"cover_rail"},
["muzzle_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 8, bg = 2}},
["reciever_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 0, bg = 1}}
["sight_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 3}},
RequireFlags = {"cover_rail", "ak_railedguard"},
Override_IronSightStruct = {
Pos = Vector(-2.63, 0, 0.79),
Ang = Angle(-1.12, 0.116, 5.53),
Magnification = 1,
Override_IronSightStruct_Priority = 2,
["mag_545_ak12"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 7}}
["mag_545_black"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 9}}
["mag_308"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 2, bg = 8}}
["cover_trail"] = {
VMBodygroups = {{ind = 4, bg = 4}},
AttPosMods = {[1] = {
vpos = Vector(0, 8.2, 5.20),
vang = Angle(0, -90, 0),
SWEP.Hook_ModifyBodygroups = function(wep, data)
local akOptics = {["uc_optic_pso1"] = true, ["uc_optic_kobra"] = true} -- Will need to update this list if more AK optics get added
local railHgs = {["default"] = true, ["type3"] = true}
local bipodBarrs = {["rpk"] = true}
local shortBarrs = {["krinkov"] = true, ["vityaz"] = true}
local intCals = {["545"] = true, ["556"] = true, ["545_ak12"] = true}
local optic = wep.Attachments[1].Installed
local barr = string.Replace(wep.Attachments[2].Installed or "default","ur_ak_barrel_","")
local hg = string.Replace(wep.Attachments[3].Installed or "default","ur_ak_hg_","")
local muzz = wep.Attachments[4].Installed
local cal = string.Replace(wep.Attachments[5].Installed or "default","ur_ak_cal_","")
local ub = wep.Attachments[7].Installed-- or wep.Attachments[17].Installed
local upper = wep.Attachments[15].Installed
local alpha = (upper == "ur_ak_cover_alpha" or upper == "ur_ak_cover_ak12" or upper == "ur_ak_cover_truniun_rail")
local taclaser = (wep.Attachments[16].Installed == "ur_ak_charm_tl")
local vm = data.vm
if !IsValid(vm) then return end
-- Default muzzle devices
if !muzz or muzz == "ur_ak_muzzle_bayonet" then
if barr == "ak12" and (cal == "default" or intCals[cal]) then
elseif barr == "krinkov" then
elseif barr == "default" or barr == "t56" then
if cal == "default" then
elseif intCals[cal] then
elseif muzz == "ur_ak_muzzle_ak74" then
elseif barr == "default" then
if taclaser and !akOptics[optic] then
if optic and !alpha and !akOptics[optic] then
-- Railed underbarrel
if ub and hg != "ur_ak_hg_dong" and barr != "vityaz" then
if barr == "krinkov" then
elseif railHgs[hg] then
-- RPK bipod
if bipodBarrs[barr] then
vm:SetBodygroup(7, (wep:GetInBipod() and (wep.LastAnimKey ~= "enter_bipod" or wep.LastAnimFinishTime < CurTime())) and 7 or 1)
SWEP.ExtraSightDist = 2
SWEP.GuaranteeLaser = false
SWEP.WorldModelOffset = {
pos = Vector(-7, 4, -4),
ang = Angle(-12, 0, 180)
SWEP.MirrorVMWM = true
SWEP.Attachments = {
PrintName = "Optic",
DefaultAttName = "Iron Sights",
Slot = {"optic","optic_sniper","ur_ak_optic"},
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0, 2, 4.92),
vang = Angle(0, -90, 0),
CorrectivePos = Vector(0, 0, -0.0),
CorrectiveAng = Angle(-1.9, 180.15, 0),
VMScale = Vector(1, 1, 1),
-- SlideAmount = {
-- vmin = Vector(0, 2-1, 4.55),
-- vmax = Vector(0, 2+0.5, 4.55),
-- },
-- RequireFlags = {"cover_rail"},
-- HideIfBlocked = true,
-- InstalledEles = {"optic_rail"},
PrintName = "Barrel",
DefaultAttName = "16\" Standard Barrel",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/ur_ak/barrel/std.png", "mips smooth"),
Slot = "ur_ak_barrel",
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0,12, 1.9),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
PrintName = "Handguard",
DefaultAttName = "Factory Handguard",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/ur_ak/handguards/std.png", "mips smooth"),
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0,12, 1.9),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
Slot = "ur_ak_hg",
ExcludeFlags = {"barrel_carbine"},
PrintName = "Muzzle",
DefaultAttName = "Standard Muzzle",
Slot = {"muzzle","ur_ak_muzzle"},
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0, 24.1, 2.7),
vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
ExcludeFlags = {"ur_ak_nomuzzle"},
--Installed = "ur_ak_muzzle_akm"
PrintName = "Receiver",
DefaultAttName = "7.62x39mm Reciever",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/uc_bullets/762x39.png", "mips smooth"),
Slot = {"ur_ak_cal"},
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(2.8, -4.2, -11.5),
vang = Angle(90, 0, -90),
DefaultFlags = {"cal_default"}
PrintName = "Magazine",
Slot = {"ur_ak_mag"},
DefaultAttName = "30-Round Mag",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/ur_ak/magazines/762_30.png", "mips smooth"),
PrintName = "Underbarrel",
Slot = {"foregrip","ur_ak_ub"},
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0,12, 1.9),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
VMScale = Vector(1, 1, 1),
SlideAmount = {
vmin = Vector(0,10.5,1.8),
vmax = Vector(0,13.5,1.8)
InstalledEles = {"rail_fg"},
ExcludeFlags = {"ak_noubs"},
MergeSlots = {17},
PrintName = "Tactical",
Slot = {"tac"},
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0, 19.6, 2.1),
vang = Angle(0, 270, 0),
GivesFlags = {"tac"},
--InstalledEles = {"ud_m16_clamp_fullsize"}
PrintName = "Grip Type",
Slot = {"ur_ak_grip"},
DefaultAttName = "Factory Grip",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/ur_ak/grip_modern.png", "mips smooth"),
ExcludeFlags = {"stock_vepr"},
PrintName = "Stock",
Slot = {"ur_ak_stock"},
DefaultAttName = "Factory Stock",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/ur_ak/stock/n.png", "mips smooth"),
PrintName = "Ammo Type",
DefaultAttName = "\"FMJ\" Full Metal Jacket",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/arccw_uc_ammo_generic.png", "mips smooth"),
Slot = "uc_ammo",
PrintName = "Powder Load",
Slot = "uc_powder",
DefaultAttName = "Standard Load"
PrintName = "Training Package",
Slot = "uc_tp",
DefaultAttName = "Basic Training"
PrintName = "Internals",
Slot = "uc_fg", -- Fire group
DefaultAttName = "Standard Internals"
PrintName = "Dust Cover",
DefaultAttName = "Ribbed Dust Cover",
DefaultAttIcon = Material("entities/att/ur_ak/dustcover_stock.png", "mips smooth"),
Slot = {"ur_ak_cover"},
FreeSlot = true,
PrintName = "Charm",
Slot = {"charm", "fml_charm", "ur_ak_charm"},
FreeSlot = true,
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0.6, 6.7, 2.2),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
PrintName = "M203 slot",
Slot = "uc_ubgl",
Bone = "tag_weapon",
Offset = {
vpos = Vector(0, 9.9, 2.9),
vang = Angle(90, -90, -90),
InstalledEles = {"rail_fg"},
ExcludeFlags = {"ak_noubs","barrel_rpk"},
Hidden = true,
function SWEP:Hook_TranslateAnimation(anim)
if anim == "fire_iron" then
if self:GetBuff_Override("NoStock") then return "fire" end
elseif anim == "fire_iron_empty" then
if self:GetBuff_Override("NoStock") then return "fire_empty" end
SWEP.Hook_NameChange = function(wep,name)
local foldStocks = {["underfolder"] = true,["aks"] = true}
local akCals = {["762"] = true,["545"] = true}
local shortBarrs = {["krinkov"] = true,["vityaz"] = true}
local fakeNames = !GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool()
local start = "AK"
local mid = ""
local post = "M"
local noN = false
if fakeNames then
start = "KF"
post = "-67"
local atts = wep.Attachments
local barr = string.Replace(atts[2].Installed or "default", "ur_ak_barrel_", "")
local hg = string.Replace(atts[3].Installed or "default", "ur_ak_hg_", "")
local cal = string.Replace(atts[5].Installed or "762", "ur_ak_cal_", "")
local stock = string.Replace(atts[10].Installed or "default", "ur_ak_stock_", "")
local upper = atts[11].Installed
local alpha = (upper == "ur_ak_cover_alpha" or upper == "ur_ak_cover_ak12" or upper == "ur_ak_cover_truniun_rail")
-- local ak12 = alpha and barr == "ak12"
wep.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_762
wep.Trivia_Mechanism = "Gas-Operated Rotating Bolt"
if alpha then noN = true end
if atts[14].Installed == "uc_fg_civvy" then
start = (fakeNames and "Amur") or "Vepr"
if cal == "12g" then
post = "-12"
wep.Trivia_Desc = desc_12g
elseif cal == "545_ak12" or cal == "545" then
post = " 5.45"
wep.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_545
elseif cal == "762" then
post = " 7.62"
elseif cal == "9mm" then
start = "Saiga"
post = "-9"
wep.Trivia_Desc = desc_9mm
wep.Trivia_Mechanism = "Blowback"
post = " ." .. cal
return start .. post
if cal == "9mm" then
if fakeNames then
start = "Bogatyr"
post = " SMG"
start = "PP"
post = "-19 Vityaz"
wep.Trivia_Desc = desc_9mm
wep.Trivia_Mechanism = "Blowback"
-- elseif cal == "12g" then
-- start = "Saiga"
-- if shortBarrs[barr] then
-- post = "-12K"
-- else
-- post = "-12"
-- end
-- wep.Trivia_Desc = desc_12g -- Obsolete
elseif cal == "366" then
if barr == "vepr" or string.find(atts[14].Installed or "","rifling") then
start = (fakeNames and "Amur") or "Vepr"
post = " .366"
start = (fakeNames and "KFN") or "VPO"
post = "-209"
wep.Trivia_Desc = desc_366
elseif cal == "308" then
post = "-308"
-- elseif cal == "545_ak12" or ak12 then
-- noN = true
-- if string.StartWith(cal,"545") then
-- post = "-12"
-- wep.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_545
-- elseif cal == "762" then
-- post = "-15"
-- elseif cal == "556" then
-- post = "-18"
-- end
-- if string.EndsWith(barr,"105") or shortBarrs[barr] then
-- post = post .. "K"
-- end -- Obsolete
elseif barr == "rpk" or barr == "rpk74m" then
start = (fakeNames and "PKF") or "RPK"
if !fakeNames and barr == "rpk" and cal == "762" then
if hg == "74m" or hg == "rpk74m" then
post = "-203"
noN = true
post = ""
elseif !fakeNames and cal == "556" then
noN = true
post = "-201"
elseif cal == "762" then
if barr == "t56" then
noN = true
if fakeNames then
start = "Yucha"
post = " 7"
start = "Type "
post = "56"
elseif (hg == "74m" or hg == "rpk74m" or hg == "ak12") and stock == "ak74m" then
noN = true
post = "-103"
elseif cal == "556" then
if fakeNames then
post = "-45"
elseif string.EndsWith(barr,"105") then
post = "-102"
post = "-101"
wep.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_556
if foldStocks[stock] and akCals[cal] and !string.StartWith(barr,"105") then
if cal == "762" then
if barr == "t56" then
post = post .. "-1"
elseif !fakeNames then
post = "MS"
mid = "S"
mid = "S"
if cal == "545" then
wep.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_545
if (hg == "74m" or hg == "rpk74m" or hg == "ak12") and (stock == "ak74m" or barr == "rpk") then
noN = true
post = (fakeNames and "-76M") or "-74M"
elseif shortBarrs[barr] then
if fakeNames then
post = "-76"
mid = mid .. "U"
post = "-74U"
wep.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_74u
post = (fakeNames and "-76") or "-74"
if akCals[cal] then
if string.EndsWith(barr,"105") then
noN = true
if cal == "545" then
post = "-105"
elseif cal == "762" then
post = "-104"
elseif cal == "556" then
post = "-102"
-- if shortBarrs[barr] then
-- post = post .. "U" -- I know I said the AK-47U doesn't exist, but we have fucking Glock 44 Autos so I warmed up to it
-- wep.Trivia_Desc = descStart .. desc_74u
-- end
if !noN and atts[1].Installed then
post = post .. "N"
return start .. mid .. post
SWEP.Animations = {
["idle"] = {
Source = "idle"
["draw"] = {
Source = "draw",
LHIK = false,
LHIKIn = 0,
LHIKOut = 0.5,
SoundTable = {
{s = ratel, t = 0},
{s = common .. "raise.ogg", t = 0.2},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 0.2},
["holster"] = {
Source = "holster",
LHIK = false,
LHIKIn = 0,
LHIKOut = 0.5,
SoundTable = {
{s = ratel, t = 0},
-- {s = common .. "raise.ogg", t = 0.2},
-- {s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 0.2},
["ready"] = {
Source = "ready",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0,
LHIKOut = 0.6,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
SoundTable = {
{s = ratel, t = 0},
{s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 0.2},
{s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 0.3},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = .6},
["fire"] = {
Source = {"fire"},
Time = 0.5,
ShellEjectAt = 0,
SoundTable = {{ s = {path .. "mech-01.ogg", path .. "mech-02.ogg", path .. "mech-03.ogg", path .. "mech-04.ogg", path .. "mech-05.ogg", path .. "mech-06.ogg"}, t = 0, v = 0.25 }},
["fire_iron"] = {
Source = {"fire"},
Time = 0.5,
ShellEjectAt = 0,
SoundTable = {
{s = common .. "common_mech_light.ogg", t = 0, v = 0.5},
{ s = {path .. "mech-01.ogg", path .. "mech-02.ogg", path .. "mech-03.ogg", path .. "mech-04.ogg", path .. "mech-05.ogg", path .. "mech-06.ogg"}, t = 0 }
["reload"] = {
Source = "reload",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.65,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 1.3,
SoundTable = {
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.0, v = 0.45},
{s = path .. "reload_start.ogg", t = 0.025},
{s = rottle, t = 0.05},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magrelease.ogg", t = 0.4},
{s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 0.95},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "scrape.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "magpouchin.ogg", t = 1.38},
{s = path .. "grab.ogg", t = 1.9, v = 0.45},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.0},
{s = path .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.15},
["reload_empty"] = {
Source = "reload_empty",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.5,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 2.1,
LastClip1OutTime = 2,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magrelease.ogg", t = 0.4},
{s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = path .. "bonk.ogg", t = 0.5},
{s = ratel, t = 0.6},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 0.97},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 1.16, v = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 1.16},
{s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 1.9},
{s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.0},
{s = path .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.3, v = 0.45},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.4},
{s = path .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.5},
["reload_75"] = {
Source = "reload_drum",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.9,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 1.6,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magrelease.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = path .. "magout_drum.ogg", t = 0.25},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = ratel, t = 1.0},
{s = path .. "magin_drum.ogg", t = 1.1},
{s = rottle, t = 1.75},
{s = path .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.0, v = 0.45},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.1},
{s = path .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.25},
["reload_empty_75"] = {
Source = "reload_drum_empty",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 1.5,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 2.6,
LastClip1OutTime = 2,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magrelease.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = path .. "magout_drum.ogg", t = 0.25},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = ratel, t = 1.0},
{s = path .. "magin_drum.ogg", t = 1.1},
{s = path .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.0, v = 0.45},
{s = rottle, t = 1.9},
{s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 2.37},
{s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.48},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.78},
{s = path .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.93},
["reload_9mm"] = {
Source = "reload_9mm",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.9,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 1.3,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path1 .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path1 .. "magin.ogg", t = 0.73},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "scrape.ogg", t = 1.4},
{s = common .. "magpouchin.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.05},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.1},
["reload_empty_9mm"] = {
Source = "reload_9mm_empty",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.55,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 2.1,
LastClip1OutTime = 2,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path1 .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path1 .. "magin.ogg", t = 0.85},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = common .. "pistol_magdrop.ogg", t = 1.15},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "chback_9.ogg", t = 1.8},
{s = path .. "chamber_9.ogg", t = 2.05},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.4},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.5},
["reload_10rnd"] = {
Source = "reload_10rnd",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.9,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 1.3,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 0.95},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "scrape.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "magpouchin.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.05},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.1},
["reload_empty_10rnd"] = {
Source = "reload_10rnd_empty",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.55,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 2.1,
LastClip1OutTime = 2,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = path .. "bonk.ogg", t = 0.5},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "magin.ogg", t = 0.97},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 1.15},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 1.9},
{s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 2.0},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.4},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.5},
["reload_308"] = {
Source = "reload_308",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.9,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 1.3,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "magin_308.ogg", t = 0.95},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "scrape.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "magpouchin.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.05},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.1},
["reload_empty_308"] = {
Source = "reload_308_empty",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.55,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 2.1,
LastClip1OutTime = 2,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = path .. "bonk.ogg", t = 0.5},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "magin_308.ogg", t = 1.0},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 1.15},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "chback_308.ogg", t = 1.85},
{s = path .. "chamber_308.ogg", t = 2.0},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.4},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.5},
["reload_12g"] = {
Source = "reload",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.65,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 1.3,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "12ga/magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = ratel, t = 0.5},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "12ga/magin.ogg", t = 0.95},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = rottle, t = 1.15},
{s = path .. "scrape.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "magpouchin.ogg", t = 1.35},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.05},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.1},
["reload_empty_12g"] = {
Source = "reload_empty",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.5,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
MinProgress = 2.1,
LastClip1OutTime = 2,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0.0},
{s = common .. "magpouch.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = ratel, t = 0.25},
{s = path .. "12ga/magout.ogg", t = 0.45},
{s = path .. "bonk.ogg", t = 0.5, v = 0.25},
{s = ratel, t = 0.55},
{s = rottle, t = 0.75},
{s = path .. "12ga/magin.ogg", t = 0.97},
{s = ratel, t = 1.1},
{s = common .. "rifle_magdrop.ogg", t = 1.15},
{s = rottle, t = 1.75},
{s = path .. "12ga/chback.ogg", t = 1.85},
{s = path .. "12ga/chamber.ogg", t = 2.0},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 2.4},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 2.5},
["enter_inspect"] = {
Source = "inspect_enter",
-- time = 35 / 60,
LHIK = false,
LHIKIn = 0,
LHIKOut = 2.5,
SoundTable = {
{s = rottle, t = 0},
{s = common .. "movement-rifle-02.ogg", t = 0.1},
["idle_inspect"] = {
Source = "inspect_loop",
-- time = 72 / 60,
LHIK = false,
LHIKIn = 0,
LHIKOut = 999, -- maybe im dumb
["exit_inspect"] = {
Source = "inspect_exit",
-- time = 66 / 60,
LHIK = false,
LHIKIn = 0,
LHIKOut = 999, -- maybe im dumb
SoundTable = {
{s = common .. "movement-rifle-04.ogg", t = 0.2},
{s = rottle, t = 0.25},
{s = rottle, t = 1.2},
{s = common .. "movement-rifle-03.ogg", t = 1.25},
["enter_sprint"] = {
Source = "sprint_start",
Time = 0.9,
["idle_sprint"] = {
Source = "sprint_idle",
["exit_sprint"] = {
Source = "sprint_end",
Time = 1.25,
["unjam"] = {
Source = "jamfix",
-- Time = 45 / 30,
ShellEjectAt = 0.65,
-- LHIK = true,
-- LHIKIn = 0.3,
-- LHIKEaseIn = 0.4,
-- LHIKEaseOut = 0.15,
-- LHIKOut = 0.4,
-- SoundTable = { zenith do noises here
-- {s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 0.15},
-- {s = common .. "cloth_4.ogg", t = 0.5},
-- {s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 0.5},
-- },
SoundTable = {
{s = common .. "cloth_4.ogg", t = 0.1},
{s = path .. "presscheck_1.ogg", t = 0.2},
{s = path .. "chback.ogg", t = 0.6},
{s = path .. "chamber.ogg", t = 0.7},
{s = common .. "grab.ogg", t = 1.1},
{s = common .. "shoulder.ogg", t = 1.15},
["bash_bayonet"] = {
Source = "bayonet",
--Time = 1.2,
--MinProgress = .7,
SoundTable = {
{s = "weapons/arccw/melee_lift.wav", t = 0}
["exit_bipod"] = {
Source = "bipod_undeploy",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.55,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
--Time = 1.2,
--MinProgress = .7,
Mult = .8,
SoundTable = {
-- {s = "weapons/arccw/melee_lift.wav", t = 0}
["enter_bipod"] = {
Source = "bipod_deploy",
LHIK = true,
LHIKIn = 0.3,
LHIKOut = 0.55,
LHIKEaseOut = 0.25,
--Time = 1.2,
--MinProgress = .7,
Mult = .8,
SoundTable = {
-- {s = "weapons/arccw/melee_lift.wav", t = 0} -- yeah here too
SWEP.Hook_Think = ArcCW.UC.ADSReload