
53 lines
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att.PrintName = "Hensoldt ZF 6x42 PSG1"
att.AbbrevName = "PSG-1 Optic (6x)"
if !GetConVar("arccw_truenames"):GetBool() then
att.PrintName = "Hensoldt ZF 6x42 PMR-2"
att.AbbrevName = "PMR-2 Optic (6x)"
att.Icon = Material("entities/att/acwatt_ur_g3_optic_psg1.png", "mips smooth")
att.Description = "Long range combat scope for precision shooting.\nExclusive to the G3 pattern rifle."
-- need icon
att.SortOrder = 300
att.Desc_Pros = {
att.Desc_Cons = {
att.AutoStats = true
att.Slot = {"ur_g3_optic"}
att.Model = "models/weapons/arccw/atts/g3_optic_psg.mdl"
att.ModelOffset = Vector(0.55, 0, -1.7)
att.AdditionalSights = {
Pos = Vector(0.01, 9.25, -1.12),
Ang = Angle(0, 0, 0),
Magnification = 1.1,
HolosightData = {
Holosight = true,
HolosightReticle = Material("hud/scopes/PSG1_reticle.png", "mips smooth"),
HolosightNoFlare = true,
HolosightSize = 15,
HolosightPiece = "models/weapons/arccw/atts/g3_optic_psg_hsp.mdl",
HolosightBlackbox = true,
HolosightMagnification = UC_HalfScope( 6 ),
Colorable = true,
-- att.Holosight = true
-- att.HolosightReticle = Material("mifl_tarkov_reticle/dot.png", "mips smooth")
att.HolosightPiece = "models/weapons/arccw/atts/g3_optic_psg_hsp.mdl"
-- att.HolosightNoFlare = true
-- att.HolosightSize = 1
-- att.HolosightBone = "holosight"
att.Colorable = true
att.Mult_SightedSpeedMult = 0.84