
998 lines
30 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-09-13 22:15:43 -04:00
-- HUD
local hide = {
["CHudHealth"] = true,
["CHudBattery"] = true,
["CHudAmmo"] = true,
["CHudSecondaryAmmo"] = true,
["CHudPoisonDamageIndicator"] = true,
["CHudCrosshair"] = true,
["CHUDQuickInfo"] = true,
["CHudSuitPower"] = true,
["CHudZoom"] = true,
2023-09-13 22:15:43 -04:00
2023-11-06 14:03:14 -05:00
hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "Benny_HUDShouldDraw", function( name )
2023-09-13 22:15:43 -04:00
if ( hide[ name ] ) then return false end
end )
function ss( scale )
2023-11-29 19:03:14 -05:00
return scale*ConVarCL_Int("hud_scale")--math.Round( scale * ( ScrH() / 480 ) * HSCALE:GetFloat() )
2023-09-13 22:15:43 -04:00
local function genfonts()
local sizes = {
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
for _, size in pairs(sizes) do
surface.CreateFont( "Benny_" .. size, {
font = "Carbon Plus Bold",
size = ss(size),
2023-09-25 17:26:52 -04:00
weight = 0,
} )
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
for _, size in pairs(sizes) do
surface.CreateFont( "BennyS_" .. size, {
font = "Carbon Plus Bold",
size = ss(size),
weight = 0,
scanlines = ss(1),
blursize = ss(3),
} )
local sizes = {
for _, size in pairs(sizes) do
for i=1, 4 do
local add = i==1 and "" or i==2 and "B" or i==3 and "I" or i==4 and "BI"
local mode = i==1 and "" or i==2 and " Bold" or i==3 and " Italic" or i==4 and " Bold Italic"
surface.CreateFont( "Benny_Caption_" .. size .. add, {
font = "Roboto" .. mode,
size = ss(size),
weight = 0,
} )
2023-10-09 03:01:06 -04:00
cvars.AddChangeCallback("benny_hud_scale", function(convar_name, value_old, value_new)
end, "benny_hud_scale_callback")
schemes = {
["benny"] = {
fg = Color( 255, 238, 169 ),
bg = Color( 54, 44, 39 ),
caption = Color( 255, 238, 169 ),
name = "BENNY",
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
["nikki"] = {
fg = Color( 255, 174, 210 ),
2023-10-31 19:06:09 -04:00
bg = Color(37, 12, 40 ),
caption = Color( 255, 174, 210 ),
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
name = "NIKKI",
["igor"] = {
2023-10-31 19:06:09 -04:00
fg = Color( 253, 208, 207 ),
bg = Color( 32, 14, 12 ),
caption = Color( 253, 78, 77 ),
name = "IGOR",
["yanghao"] = {
2023-10-31 19:06:09 -04:00
fg = Color( 157, 187, 253 ),
bg = Color( 19, 21, 28 ),
caption = Color( 87, 187, 253 ),
name = "YANG-HAO",
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
["mp_cia"] = {
fg = Color( 93, 118, 215 ),
bg = Color( 25, 23, 47 ),
caption = Color( 87, 187, 253 ),
name = "CIA",
["mp_plasof"] = {
fg = Color( 255, 103, 103 ),
bg = Color( 35, 25, 20 ),
caption = Color( 87, 187, 253 ),
name = "PLASOF",
["mp_militia"] = {
fg = Color( 255, 199, 133 ),
bg = Color( 33, 18, 18 ),
caption = Color( 87, 187, 253 ),
name = "MILITIA",
["mp_natguard"] = {
fg = Color( 208, 226, 132 ),
bg = Color( 23, 25, 23 ),
caption = Color( 87, 187, 253 ),
name = "ARNG",
["mp_viper"] = {
fg = Color( 255, 230, 245 ),
bg = Color( 40, 30, 30 ),
caption = Color( 87, 187, 253 ),
name = "VIPER",
["mp_halo"] = {
fg = Color( 200, 255, 246 ),
bg = Color( 30, 40, 38 ),
caption = Color( 87, 187, 253 ),
name = "HALO",
["enemy"] = {
caption = Color( 199, 0, 0 ),
name = "ENEMY",
["pistol"] = {
caption = Color( 61, 61, 61 ),
name = "PISTOL",
2023-12-06 02:11:41 -05:00
local activescheme = ConVarCL("hud_tempactive")
function schema( i2, alpha )
local i1 = activescheme:GetString()
return schemes[i1][i2].r, schemes[i1][i2].g, schemes[i1][i2].b, (alpha or 1)*255
local junker = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
function schema_c( i2, alpha )
local r,g,b,a=schema( i2, alpha )
return junker
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
captions = {
-- name = "YANG-HAO",
-- color = schemes["yanghao"]["caption"],
-- text = { "..." },
-- time = 1,
-- name = "BENNY",
-- color = schemes["benny"]["caption"],
-- text = { "Bleh." },
-- time = 2,
-- name = "NICKY",
-- color = schemes["nicky"]["caption"],
-- text = { "You have a big weapon, sir!" },
-- time = 3,
-- name = "IGOR",
-- color = schemes["igor"]["caption"],
-- text = { "I need more bullets!", "I need more bullets!", "I need more bullets!" },
-- time = 4,
-- name = "ENEMY GUARD",
-- color = schemes["enemy"]["caption"],
-- text = { "Bigger weapons! Bigger weapons!", "Ratatatata!" },
-- time = 5,
function AddCaption( name, color, text, time_to_type, lifetime )
if captions[#captions] and captions[#captions].name == name then
local weh = captions[#captions]
local wehlast = weh.lines[#weh.lines]
2023-11-12 19:19:59 -05:00
if wehlast.text == text then
wehlast.repeated = wehlast.repeated + 1
2023-11-12 19:19:59 -05:00
table.insert( weh.lines, { text = text, time_to_type=time_to_type, starttime=CurTime(), repeated = 1 } )
weh.lifetime = math.max( CurTime() + lifetime, weh.lifetime )
2023-11-12 19:19:59 -05:00
table.insert( captions, { name = name, color=color, lifetime=CurTime()+lifetime, lines = { { text=text, time_to_type=time_to_type, starttime=CurTime(), repeated = 1 } } })
local color_caption = Color( 0, 0, 0, 127 )
local mat_grad = Material( "benny/hud/grad.png", "mips smooth" )
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local lonk = {
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
Glyph = "W",
Glyph2 = "S",
Text1 = "MOVE",
Text2 = "Forward and backward",
Glyph = "A",
Glyph2 = "D",
Text1 = "STRAFE",
Text2 = "Left and right",
Spacer = true,
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
Glyph = "R",
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
Glyph2 = "T",
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
Text1 = "RELOAD",
Text2 = "Reload weapon",
Glyph = "F",
Text1 = "AIM",
Text2 = "Enter weapon mode",
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
Spacer = true,
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
Glyph = "SPACE",
Text1 = "STUNT",
Text2 = "Do a barrel roll",
Glyph = "CTRL",
Text1 = "STANCE",
Text2 = "Get down",
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
Spacer = true,
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
Glyph = "F1",
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
Text1 = "SETTINGS",
Text2 = "Set settings",
Glyph = "F2",
Text2 = "Manage inventory",
Glyph = "F3",
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
Text1 = "DEV. SPAWN",
Text2 = "Cheat items in",
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
Glyph = "F4",
Text2 = "Manage scenes",
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
-- Stew port
globhit = Vector()
globang = Angle()
tr1f = Vector()
tr2f = Vector()
local col_1 = Color(255, 255, 255, 200)
local col_1a = Color(100, 100, 255, 200)
local col_2 = Color(0, 0, 0, 255)
local col_3 = Color(255, 127, 127, 255)
local col_4 = Color(255, 222, 222, 255)
2023-10-31 19:06:09 -04:00
local heartbeatcol = Color(255, 255, 255, 255)
2023-12-06 20:50:51 -05:00
local mat_dot = Material("benny/hud/xhair/dotx.png", "smooth")
local mat_long = Material("benny/hud/xhair/long.png", "smooth")
local mat_dot_s = Material("benny/hud/xhair/dot_s.png", "mips smooth")
local mat_long_s = Material("benny/hud/xhair/long_s.png", "mips smooth")
2023-12-08 19:30:40 -05:00
local spacer_long = 3 -- screenscaled
2023-12-06 20:50:51 -05:00
local spacer = 1 -- screenscaled
local gap = 0
local trash_vec, trash_ang = Vector(), Angle()
2023-10-22 00:37:35 -04:00
bucket_selected = bucket_selected or 1
item_selected = item_selected or 1
2023-10-09 03:03:10 -04:00
2023-09-13 22:15:43 -04:00
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Benny_HUDPaint", function()
local sw, sh = ScrW(), ScrH()
2023-11-18 00:29:08 -05:00
local Wb = ss(20)
local Hb = ss(20)
-- Wb = (sh*(4/3))
-- Wb = (sw-Wb)/2
local p = LocalPlayer()
local wep = p:BennyCheck()
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
local active = GetConVar("benny_hud_tempactive"):GetString()
local scheme = schemes[active]
2023-12-04 18:20:18 -05:00
if ConVarCL_Bool("hud_enable_health") then -- Health
local b_w, b_h = ss(142), ss(32)
local b_bh = ss(14)
local b_bh2 = ss(8)
local b_s = ss(4)
local b_s2 = b_s*2
2023-11-18 00:29:08 -05:00
local b_x, b_y = Wb, sh - Hb - b_h
-- BG
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( b_x, b_y, b_w, b_h )
local hp = p:Health()/100 --CurTime()*0.5 % 1
local ti = (CurTime()*0.75 / (hp)) % 1
-- Text underneath
surface.SetFont( "Benny_18" )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( b_x + ss(6), b_y + ss(3) )
surface.DrawText( scheme["name"] )
-- Bar
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( b_x + b_s, b_y + b_s, ss(142-8), b_bh, ss( 0.5 ) )
surface.DrawRect( b_x + b_s + ss(1), b_y + b_s + ss(1), ss(142*hp-8-2), b_bh - ss(2) )
2023-10-31 19:06:09 -04:00
heartbeatcol.a = math.ease.OutQuint(1-ti)*255
surface.SetDrawColor( heartbeatcol )
surface.SetMaterial( mat_grad )
surface.DrawTexturedRect( b_x + b_s + ss(1), b_y + b_s + ss(1), ss(142*hp*ti-8-2), b_bh - ss(2) )
-- Bar text
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( b_x + ss(6), b_y + ss(3) )
render.SetScissorRect( b_x + b_s, b_y + b_s, b_x + b_s + ss(142*hp-8), b_y + b_s + b_bh, true ) -- Enable the rect
surface.DrawText( scheme["name"] )
render.SetScissorRect( 0, 0, 0, 0, false ) -- Disable after you are done
if true then -- Stamina
2023-11-28 23:11:10 -05:00
local perc = p:GetStamina()
for i=1, 4 do
local localperc = math.Clamp( math.Remap( perc, (0.25*(i-1)), (0.25*(i)), 0, 1 ), 0, 1 )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( b_x + b_s + ((i-1)*ss(32+2)), b_y + b_bh + ss(4+2), ss(32), b_bh2, ss(0.5) )
surface.DrawRect( b_x + b_s + ((i-1)*ss(32+2)) + ss(1), b_y + b_bh + ss(4+2) + ss(1), ss(32*localperc) - ss(2), b_bh2 - ss(2) )
if true then
surface.SetDrawColor( schema("bg") )
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
local s_h = ss(18)
surface.DrawRect( b_x, b_y - s_h - ss(4), b_w, s_h )
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( string.format( "%f", p:GetVelocity():Length2D()/39.3701 ):Left( 4 ) .. " m/s", "Benny_18", b_x + ss(4), b_y - s_h - ss(4-2), schema_c("fg") )
2023-11-18 00:29:08 -05:00
do -- Vaulting
if vaultsave then
local tex = "[SPACE] VAULT OVER"
if vaultsave == 2 then tex = "[SPACE] MANTLE OVER" end
surface.SetFont( "Benny_16" )
local tox, toy = surface.GetTextSize( tex )
local box, boy = ss( 8 ) + tox, ss( 18 )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( sw/2 - box/2, sh/2 + ss( 96 ) - boy/2 - ss( 2 ), box, boy )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( sw/2 - tox/2, sh/2 + ss( 96 ) - toy/2 )
surface.DrawText( tex )
2023-12-04 18:20:18 -05:00
if ConVarCL_Bool("hud_enable_hints") then -- Hints
2023-11-29 18:00:30 -05:00
local b_w, b_h = ss(130), ss(0)
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
local b_x, b_y = sw - Wb - b_w, Hb + ss(200)--sh/2 - b_h/2
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
local honk = ss(1)
local honk2 = honk*2
2023-11-29 18:00:30 -05:00
local tbw, tbh, tbg = ss(6), ss(2), ss(12)
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
local bump = 0
local tbump = 0
for _, data in ipairs( lonk ) do
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
if _==1 then
tbump = tbump + ss(4)
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
if data.Spacer then
tbump = tbump + ss(5)
tbump = tbump + ss(16)
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
if _==#lonk then
tbump = tbump + ss(4)
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
b_h = b_h + tbump
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
b_y = sh/2 - b_h/2
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( b_x, b_y, b_w, b_h )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( b_x + honk, b_y + honk, b_w - honk2, b_h - honk2, ss(0.5) )
for _, data in ipairs( lonk ) do
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
if _==1 then
bump = bump + ss(4)
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
2023-11-29 18:00:30 -05:00
-- surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 100, 255, 32 )
-- surface.DrawRect( b_x, b_y + bump, b_w, ss(16) )
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
if data.Spacer then
2023-11-29 18:00:30 -05:00
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
surface.DrawRect( b_x + ss(4), b_y + ss(2) + bump, b_w - ss(8), ss(1) )
bump = bump + ss(5)
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
2023-12-17 21:12:28 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( data.Text1, "Benny_12", b_x + b_w - tbw,
b_y + bump,
draw.SimpleText( data.Text2, "Benny_8", b_x + b_w - tbw,
b_y+ss(8) + bump,
if #data.Glyph == 1 then
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( b_x + tbw,
b_y + ss(2) + bump, tbg, tbg, ss(1) )
draw.SimpleText( data.Glyph, "Benny_12", b_x + tbw + tbg/2,
b_y + ss(2.6) + bump,
if data.Glyph2 then
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( b_x + tbw + tbg + ss(2),
b_y + ss(2) + bump, tbg, tbg, ss(1) )
draw.SimpleText( data.Glyph2, "Benny_12", b_x + tbw + tbg/2 + tbg + ss(2),
b_y + ss(2.6) + bump,
surface.SetFont( "Benny_10" )
local tx = ss((#data.Glyph*5)+5) surface.GetTextSize( data.Glyph )
--tx = math.max( tx + ss(8), tbg )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( b_x + tbw,
b_y + ss(2) + bump, tx, tbg, ss(1) )
draw.SimpleText( data.Glyph, "Benny_10", b_x + tbw + tx/2,
b_y + ss(3.6) + bump,
bump = bump + ss(16)
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
if _==#lonk then
bump = bump + ss(4)
2023-11-29 00:37:32 -05:00
2023-12-04 18:20:18 -05:00
if wep and ConVarCL_Bool("hud_enable_active") then -- Weapon
2023-09-24 01:19:23 -04:00
local inv = p:INV_Get()
local wep1 = wep:BTable( false )
local wep1c = wep:BClass( false )
local wep2 = wep:BTable( true )
local wep2c = wep:BClass( true )
2023-09-24 01:19:23 -04:00
for i=1, 2 do
local hand = i==2
if wep:BTable( hand ) then -- New Weapon HUD
local wep_table = wep:BTable( hand )
local wep_class = wep:BClass( hand )
local p_w, p_h = ss(156), ss(64)
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
local p_x, p_y = sw - p_w - Wb, Hb
if hand then p_x = Wb end
local pb = ss(4)
local pb2 = pb*2
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( p_x, p_y, p_w, p_h )
do -- Name tag
local t_h = ss(15)
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawRect( p_x+pb, p_y+pb, p_w-pb2, t_h )
draw.SimpleText( wep_class.Name, "Benny_16", p_x+ss(6), p_y+ss(5), scheme["bg"], TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
2023-11-17 22:56:41 -05:00
local identicallist = p:INV_Find( wep:BTable( hand ).Class )
identicallist = table.Flip( identicallist )
local numba = identicallist[ wep:D_GetID( hand ) ]
2023-11-29 18:09:31 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( "#" .. tostring(numba) .. ", " .. wep:D_GetID( hand ), "Benny_10", p_x+p_w-pb2, p_y+ss(7), scheme["bg"], TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
if wep_class.Firemodes then -- Firemode
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawRect( p_x+pb, p_y + pb + t_h + ss(2), ss(30), ss(10) )
2023-11-03 13:20:39 -04:00
draw.SimpleText( wep:B_FiremodeName( hand ), "Benny_12", p_x + pb + ss(14.5), p_y + pb + t_h + ss(8), scheme["bg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
-- draw.SimpleText( "[AMMO TYPE]", "Benny_10", p_x + pb + ss(30+4), p_y + pb + t_h + ss(8), scheme["fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
if wep_class.Ammo then -- Ammo
local b_w, b_h = ss(3), ss(10)
local lw, lh = ss(2), ss(2)
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
local ammo = math.max( wep:D_GetClip( hand ), wep_class.Ammo )
if ammo>30 then b_w, b_h = ss(3), ss(4) end
local offset = b_h
local count = 1
for i=1, ammo do
local thefunk = surface.DrawRect
if i > wep:D_GetClip( hand ) then
thefunk = surface.DrawOutlinedRect
if i!=1 and i%30 == 1 then
count = 1
offset = offset + b_h + lh
thefunk( p_x + p_w - b_w - pb - ((count-1)*(b_w+lw)), p_y + p_h - offset - pb, b_w, b_h, ss(0.5) )
count = count + 1
draw.SimpleText( wep:D_GetClip( hand ), "Benny_12", p_x + p_w - pb - ss(1), p_y + p_h - offset - ss(12+3), scheme["fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
if wep:D_GetMagID( hand ) != wep_table.Loaded then
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( p_x, p_y - ss( 12+3 ), ss( 66 ), ss( 12 ) )
draw.SimpleText( "!! Mag desync.", "Benny_12", p_x + ss( 2 ), p_y - ss( 12+2 ), scheme["fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
if wep_class.Ammo then -- Magazines
2023-11-18 00:29:08 -05:00
local m_w, m_h = ss( 12 ), ss( 20 )
2023-11-29 02:45:48 -05:00
local m_x, m_y = p_x + p_w - m_w, p_y + p_h + ss(1)--p_x - m_w, p_y + p_h - m_h
local bb = ss( 1 )
local b2 = ss( 2 )
local b3 = ss( 3 )
local b4 = ss( 4 )
2023-12-06 02:27:15 -05:00
local maglist = p:INV_FindMagSmart( wep_table.Class, wep:D_GetID( hand ) )
for id, tag in ipairs( maglist ) do
--assert( inv[tag], "That magazine doesn't exist. " .. tag )
local chunk = ((ss(1)+m_w)*(id-1))
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( m_x - chunk, m_y, m_w, m_h )
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( m_x + bb - chunk, m_y + bb, m_w - b2, m_h - b2, ss( 0.5 ) )
local s1 = (m_h - b2 - b2)
local s2 = (m_h - b2 - b2) * (inv[tag] and ( inv[tag].Ammo / WeaponGet(inv[tag].Class).Ammo ) or 8)
local s3 = math.floor( s2 - s1 )
local m1, m2, m3, m4 = m_x + bb + bb - chunk, m_y + bb + bb - s3, m_w - b2 - b2, s2
local active = tag == wep:D_GetMagID( hand )
2023-11-17 22:56:41 -05:00
local active2 = tag == wep:D_GetMagID( !hand )
if active or active2 then
draw.SimpleText( active2 and "|" or "x", "Benny_10", m_x + (m_w/2) - chunk, m_y + (m_h/2), scheme["fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
surface.DrawRect( m1, m2, m3, m4 )
2023-11-17 22:56:41 -05:00
if active or active2 then
render.SetScissorRect( m1, m2, m1 + m3, m2 + m4, true )
2023-11-17 22:56:41 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( active2 and "|" or "x", "Benny_10", m_x + (m_w/2) - chunk, m_y + (m_h/2), scheme["bg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
render.SetScissorRect( 0, 0, 0, 0, false )
2023-11-03 13:20:39 -04:00
2023-09-25 17:26:52 -04:00
2023-12-08 20:12:06 -05:00
if wep then -- Crosshair
local dispersion = math.rad( 1 )
local lool = ( EyePos() + ( EyeAngles():Forward()*8192 ) + ( dispersion * EyeAngles():Up()*8192 ) ) :ToScreen()
gap = ( (ScrH()/2) - lool.y )
local tr1 = util.TraceLine({
start = p:EyePos(),
endpos = p:EyePos() + (p:EyeAngles():Forward()*16000),
filter = p
local tr2 = util.TraceLine({
start = globhit,
endpos = globhit + (globang:Forward()*16000),
filter = p
2023-12-08 20:12:06 -05:00
pl_x = tr2f:ToScreen().x
pl_y = tr2f:ToScreen().y
ps_x = tr2f:ToScreen().x
ps_y = tr2f:ToScreen().y
local touse1 = col_1
local touse1_primary = col_1a
local touse2 = col_2
if ConVarCL_String("cam_override") != "" then
2023-12-08 20:12:06 -05:00
pl_x = tr1f:ToScreen().x
pl_y = tr1f:ToScreen().y
ps_x = tr1f:ToScreen().x
ps_y = tr1f:ToScreen().y
elseif util.TraceLine({start = tr2f, endpos = tr1f, filter = p}).Fraction != 1 and !tr2f:IsEqualTol(tr1f, 1) then
touse1 = col_4
touse2 = col_3
pl_x = tr1f:ToScreen().x
pl_y = tr1f:ToScreen().y
pl_x = math.Round( pl_x )
pl_y = math.Round( pl_y )
ps_x = math.Round( ps_x )
ps_y = math.Round( ps_y )
for hhhh=1, 2 do
local hand = hhhh==2
if wep:GetUserAim() and wep:BClass( hand ) then -- Crosshair
local s, w, h = ss, ScrW(), ScrH()
2023-12-08 20:12:06 -05:00
local gap = gap
if wep:BClass( hand ).Spread then
2023-12-08 20:12:06 -05:00
gap = gap * wep:BSpread( hand )
local meow = wep:C_DualCheck()
for i=1, 2 do
2023-12-08 20:13:43 -05:00
local cooler = i == 1 and touse2 or (hand!=meow and touse1_primary or touse1)
local poosx, poosy = i == 1 and ps_x or pl_x, i == 1 and ps_y or pl_y
local mat1 = i == 1 and mat_long_s or mat_long
local mat2 = i == 1 and mat_dot_s or mat_dot
surface.SetDrawColor( cooler )
local typ = wep:BClass( hand ).Type
if typ == "rifle" or typ == "sniper" then
2023-12-08 19:30:40 -05:00
surface.SetMaterial( mat1 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - s(spacer_long) - gap, poosy, s(16), s(16), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + s(spacer_long) + gap, poosy, s(16), s(16), 0 )
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy - gap - s(spacer), s(24), s(24), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap + s(spacer), s(24), s(24), 0 )
elseif typ == "shotgun" or typ == "smg" or typ == "machinegun" then
local smg = typ == "smg"
local lmg = typ == "machinegun"
surface.SetMaterial( mat1 )
local split = smg and 3 or lmg and 4 or 8
for i=(360/split), 360, 360/split do
local i = i-(360/split)+180 + (lmg and 45 or 0) -- + ( CurTime()*0.25 % 1 )*360
local ra = math.rad(i)
local co, si, sl = math.cos(ra), math.sin(ra), s(spacer_long)
surface.SetMaterial( mat1 )
local fx, fy = poosx + si*gap + si*sl, poosy + co*gap + co*sl
fx, fy = math.Round( fx ), math.Round( fy )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( fx, fy, s(16), s(16), i+(lmg and 0 or 90) )
elseif typ == "pistol" then -- pistol
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx - gap - s(spacer), poosy, s(24), s(24), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx + gap + s(spacer), poosy, s(24), s(24), 0 )
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy - gap - s(spacer), s(24), s(24), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy + gap + s(spacer), s(24), s(24), 0 )
elseif typ == "grenade" then -- grenade
surface.SetMaterial( mat2 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( poosx, poosy, s(32), s(32), 0 )
2023-12-08 19:30:40 -05:00
2023-12-08 20:12:06 -05:00
2023-12-04 18:20:18 -05:00
if wep and ConVarCL_Bool("hud_enable_hotbar") then -- Newinv
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local weighted = p:INV_Weight()
local inv = p:INV_Get()
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local iflip = table.Flip( p:INV_Get())
2023-12-09 21:50:47 -05:00
local b_w = 48
local b_h = 22
2023-11-29 19:03:14 -05:00
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local b_x, b_y = sw - Wb, sh - Hb - ss(b_h)
local bump = 0
local fbump = 0
local num, tcount = 0, table.Count( weighted )
for _, item in pairs( weighted ) do
num = num + 1
local class = WeaponGet(item.Class)
local boxsize = ss(b_w)
fbump = fbump + boxsize
if num != tcount then
fbump = fbump + ss(2)
b_x = b_x - fbump
local invid = 0
for _, item in pairs( weighted ) do
local id = iflip[item]
local active = wep:D_GetReqID( false ) == id or wep:D_GetReqID( true ) == id
2023-12-09 21:50:47 -05:00
local active_r = wep:D_GetReqID( false ) == id
local active_l = wep:D_GetReqID( true ) == id
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local class = WeaponGet(item.Class)
local boxsize = ss(b_w)
2023-12-08 19:30:40 -05:00
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme[active and "fg" or "bg"] )
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
surface.DrawRect( b_x + bump, b_y, boxsize, ss(b_h) )
--draw.SimpleText( class.Type, "Benny_8", b_x + bump + boxsize/2, b_y + ss(3), scheme["fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
2023-12-09 21:50:47 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( class.Name, "Benny_8", b_x + bump + boxsize/2, b_y + ss(4), scheme[active and "bg" or "fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
if active then
draw.SimpleText( active_r and "RIGHT" or active_l and "LEFT", "Benny_10", b_x + bump + boxsize/2, b_y + ss(10), scheme["bg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
--draw.SimpleText( "", "Benny_8", b_x + bump + boxsize/2, b_y + ss(17), scheme["fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
if class.Features == "firearm" or class.Features == "grenade" then
invid = invid + 1
2023-12-08 19:30:40 -05:00
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme[active and "bg" or "fg"] )
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( b_x + bump + ss(1), b_y + ss(1), boxsize-ss(2), ss(b_h-2), ss(0.5) )
if invid < 11 then
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme[active and "fg" or "bg"] )
surface.DrawRect( b_x + bump, b_y - ss(2+12), ss(12), ss(12) )
draw.SimpleText( invid==10 and 0 or invid, "Benny_10", b_x + bump + ss(6), b_y - ss(2+10), scheme[active and "bg" or "fg"], TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
2023-12-06 02:27:15 -05:00
local maginv = p:INV_FindMagSmart( item.Class, id )
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local magbump = 0
2023-12-06 01:03:35 -05:00
for _, mag in ipairs( maginv ) do
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local mitem = inv[mag]
2023-12-17 23:10:20 -05:00
if !mitem then continue end
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
local loaded = (item.Loaded == mag)
local perc = mitem.Ammo/WeaponGet(mitem.Class).Ammo
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
2023-12-17 21:25:10 -05:00
surface.DrawRect( b_x + bump + magbump + ss(13), b_y - ss(14), ss(3), ss(12) )
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
local mstart = ss(10)
local meow = math.Round(ss(10*perc))
2023-12-17 21:25:10 -05:00
surface.DrawRect( b_x + bump + magbump + ss(14), b_y - ss(13) + (mstart-meow), ss(1), meow )
magbump = magbump + ss(2)
2023-12-03 23:24:42 -05:00
bump = bump + boxsize + ss(2)
2023-11-29 19:03:14 -05:00
do -- Captions
2023-11-18 00:29:08 -05:00
local space = Hb
for aaa, caption in pairs(captions) do
if caption.lifetime <= CurTime() then captions[aaa] = nil end
if #caption.lines == 0 then captions[aaa] = nil end
for aaa, caption in SortedPairsByMemberValue(captions, "starttime", false) do
2023-11-12 20:30:41 -05:00
local tw = 0
for i, v in pairs( caption.lines ) do
2023-11-12 19:19:59 -05:00
local repeater = ( v.repeated > 1 and (" (x" .. v.repeated .. ")") or "" )
tw = math.max( tw, surface.GetTextSize( v.text .. repeater ) )
tw = math.max( tw, surface.GetTextSize( ) )
space = space + ss(22)+ss(8*(#caption.lines-1))
-- BG
surface.SetDrawColor( color_caption )
surface.DrawRect( (sw/2) - (ss(8)+tw)/2, sh - space - ss(0), ss(8)+tw, ss(22)+ss(8*(#caption.lines-1)) )
-- PROTO: Would be nice to be able to change italics or bold inline.
for i, v in SortedPairsByMemberValue( caption.lines, "starttime" ) do
2023-11-12 19:19:59 -05:00
local repeater = ( v.repeated > 1 and (" (x" .. v.repeated .. ")") or "" )
surface.SetTextColor( color_white )
surface.SetTextPos( (sw/2) - (tw/2), sh - space + ss(10) + (ss(8)*(i-1)) )
local waah = ""
for i=1, #v.text do
waah = waah .. ( ((i-1)/#v.text) <= math.TimeFraction( v.starttime, v.starttime + v.time_to_type, CurTime() ) and v.text[i] or " ")
2023-11-12 19:19:59 -05:00
surface.DrawText( waah .. repeater )
surface.SetTextColor( caption.color )
surface.SetTextPos( (sw/2) - (tw/2), sh - space + ss(2) )
surface.DrawText( )
2023-11-13 19:26:50 -05:00
if false then -- MP / Arena UI
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["bg"] )
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
local r_x, r_y, r_w, r_h = sw/2 - ss(180/2), Hb, ss(180), ss(30)
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
local ib, ic = ss(20), ss(2)
surface.DrawRect( r_x, r_y, r_w, r_h )
do -- Time
2023-11-13 19:26:50 -05:00
local tt = string.FormattedTime( (60*1)-(CurTime() % 60) )
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
local d1, d2
if tt.m > 0 then
d1 = tt.m -- .. ":"
d2 = tt.s
if tt.h > 0 then
-- d1 = tt.h .. ":" .. d1
d1 = tt.s -- .. "."
2023-11-11 21:44:04 -05:00
d2 = math.floor( )
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
d1 = string.format( "%02i", d1 )
d2 = string.format( "%02i", d2 )
if tt.h > 0 then
d1 = tt.h .. ":" .. d1 .. ":"
elseif tt.m > 0 then
d1 = d1 .. ":"
d1 = d1 .. "."
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
surface.SetFont( "Benny_36")
local tx = surface.GetTextSize( d1 )
2023-12-06 02:11:41 -05:00
local c1, c2, c3, c4 = schema( "fg", ((
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
surface.SetTextColor( c1, c2, c3, c4 )
surface.SetTextPos( ib + r_x + ss( 24 ) - tx, r_y )
surface.SetFont( "BennyS_36")
surface.DrawText( d1 )
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
surface.SetTextPos( ib + r_x + ss( 24 ) - tx, r_y )
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
surface.SetFont( "Benny_36")
surface.DrawText( d1 )
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
surface.SetTextColor( c1, c2, c3, c4 )
surface.SetTextPos( ib + r_x + ss( 24 ), r_y + ss(5) )
surface.SetFont( "BennyS_28")
surface.DrawText( d2 )
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.SetTextPos( ib + r_x + ss( 24 ), r_y + ss(5) )
2023-11-12 00:45:28 -05:00
surface.SetFont( "Benny_28")
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
surface.DrawText( d2 )
do -- Score
for i=0, 1 do
local s_w, s_h = ss(100), ss(12)
local s_x, s_y = r_x + r_w - ic - s_w, ic + r_y + (s_h*i) + (ss(2*i))
surface.SetDrawColor( scheme["fg"] )
if i==1 then -- Losing
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( s_x, s_y, s_w, s_h, math.max( ss(0.5), 1 ) )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["fg"] )
surface.DrawRect( s_x, s_y, s_w, s_h )
surface.SetTextColor( scheme["bg"] )
surface.SetFont( "Benny_12")
surface.SetTextPos( s_x + ss(2), s_y + ss(1) )
2023-11-11 21:44:04 -05:00
surface.DrawText( i==1 and "HALO" or "CIA" )
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
2023-11-13 19:26:50 -05:00
local score = i==1 and "100" or "1200"
2023-11-11 21:08:21 -05:00
surface.SetTextPos( s_x + s_w - surface.GetTextSize( score ) - ss(2), s_y + ss(1) )
surface.DrawText( score )
2023-12-08 01:04:36 -05:00
if false and wep then
local bx, by = sw/2, sh*(0.75)
local mx = 50
local wep1_table, wep1_class = wep:BTable( false ), wep:BClass( false )
if wep1_table then
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( wep1_class.Name, "Benny_14", bx-mx, by+ss(8)*-1, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
draw.SimpleText( "Clip1: " .. wep:Clip1(), "Benny_14", bx-mx, by+ss(8)*0, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
draw.SimpleText( "ID1: " .. wep:GetWep1(), "Benny_14", bx-mx, by+ss(8)*1, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
draw.SimpleText( "MagID1: " .. wep:D_GetMagID( false ), "Benny_14", bx-mx, by+ss(8)*2, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
if wep1_table.Loaded then
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( "T_MagID1: " .. wep1_table.Loaded, "Benny_14", bx-mx, by+ss(8)*3, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
local wep2_table, wep2_class = wep:BTable( true ), wep:BClass( true )
if wep2_table then
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( wep2_class.Name, "Benny_14", bx+mx, by+ss(8)*-1, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
draw.SimpleText( "Clip2: " .. wep:Clip2(), "Benny_14", bx+mx, by+ss(8)*0, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
draw.SimpleText( "ID2: " .. wep:GetWep2(), "Benny_14", bx+mx, by+ss(8)*1, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
draw.SimpleText( "MagID2: " .. wep:D_GetMagID( true ), "Benny_14", bx+mx, by+ss(8)*2, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
if wep2_table.Loaded then
2023-12-17 20:02:49 -05:00
draw.SimpleText( "T_MagID2: " .. wep2_table.Loaded, "Benny_12", bx+mx, by+24*3, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
2023-12-08 01:04:36 -05:00
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
if true and wep then
2023-12-15 04:15:56 -05:00
local bump1 = ss(1)
local bump2 = ss(1)
local bump4 = ss(2)
local boost = ss(44)
local r_w, r_h = ss(8), ss(72)
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
for i=1, 2 do
local hand = i==2
if hand then boost = -boost end
local wr = wep:D_GetReloading( hand )
2023-12-16 18:46:14 -05:00
local wrt = wep:D_GetReloadType( hand )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
if wr > 0 then
local b1 = math.TimeFraction( wr, wr + wep:GetStat( hand, "Reload_MagIn" ), wr + wep:GetStat( hand, "Reload_MagIn_Bonus1" ) )
local b2 = math.TimeFraction( wr, wr + wep:GetStat( hand, "Reload_MagIn" ), wr + wep:GetStat( hand, "Reload_MagIn_Bonus2" ) )
wr = math.TimeFraction( wr, wr + (wrt==1 and wep:GetStat( hand, "Reload_MagIn" ) or wrt==2 and wep:GetStat( hand, "Reload_MagOut" )), RealTime() )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
local r_x, r_y = sw/2 - r_w/2 + boost, sh/2 - r_h/2
surface.SetDrawColor( schema("bg") )
2023-12-15 04:15:56 -05:00
surface.DrawRect( r_x - bump4, r_y - bump4, r_w + bump4*2, r_h + bump4*2 )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
2023-12-15 04:15:56 -05:00
surface.SetDrawColor( schema("fg") )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( r_x - bump2, r_y - bump2, r_w + bump2*2, r_h + bump2*2, ss(0.5) )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
2023-12-16 18:46:14 -05:00
if wrt == 1 then
local gump = math.Round( r_h*(1-wr) )
surface.SetDrawColor( schema("fg") )
surface.DrawRect( r_x, r_y+gump, r_w, r_h-gump )
local gump = math.Round( r_h*(wr) )
surface.SetDrawColor( schema("fg") )
surface.DrawRect( r_x, r_y+gump, r_w, r_h-gump )
2023-12-15 04:15:56 -05:00
2023-12-16 18:46:14 -05:00
-- TODO: Unshitify this.
if wrt == 1 then
local gump1 = math.Round( r_h*(1-b1) )
local gump2 = math.Round( r_h*(1-b2) )
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 100, 100, 100 )
surface.DrawRect( r_x, r_y+gump2, r_w, gump1-gump2 )
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 100, 100 )
surface.DrawRect( r_x, r_y+gump1, r_w, ss(1) )
surface.DrawRect( r_x, r_y+gump2, r_w, ss(1) )
2023-12-10 03:00:05 -05:00
2023-12-08 01:04:36 -05:00
2023-12-21 03:50:35 -05:00
end )
local qt = {
["slot1"] = true,
["slot2"] = true,
["slot3"] = true,
["slot4"] = true,
["slot5"] = true,
["slot6"] = true,
["slot7"] = true,
["slot8"] = true,
["slot9"] = true,
["slot0"] = true,
hook.Add( "PlayerBindPress", "Benny_PlayerBindPress_Original", function( ply, bind, pressed, code )
if qt[bind] and pressed then
return true